Notification System V1.0.0

Hello Developers,
I have created a module that remakes the old notification system which Roblox had created.

Here is a video of the notification appearing and disappearing:

Example : 1 [Default]

local Rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Module = require(Rep:WaitForChild("Notification_System"))

local Player = The Player (game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character))

Module.Create_Notification(Player, "Test", "Test", 1)

Example : 2 [Image]

local Rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Module = require(Rep:WaitForChild("Notification_System"))

local Player = The Player (game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character))

Module.Create_Notification(Player, "Test", "Test", 2, 0)

These Examples can be found within the module aswell.

Don’t feel pressured to give me Feedback on anything or attempt to make your own version, I am fine with having any type of creative feedback. If any UI designers or scriptures want to try and improve me you can send a copy under the replies (It is not required and you can always keep it to yourself).

[ I will only respond to Tips or any type of supportive feedbacks, this does not include, Insulting (Bad, horrible, or trash), anything which involves commissions or job applications and anything that goes against the Forums TOS! ]



Does it include image and button support like the default Roblox notifications? It seems to lack the capabilities, and it the ui isn’t incredible. It has the animation for appearing, but that’s about it.

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wait… did roblox remove the old notification system :cry:

your plugin is great but the parameter types are wrong and will cause errors in strict mode

StringValue isnot the same as string and intValue isn’t the same as numbers

function Notif_Mod.Create_Notification(player : Player, Title : StringValue, Info : StringValue, Format : IntValue, ImageId : IntValue)


function Notif_Mod.Create_Notification(player : Player, Title : string, Info : string, Format : number, ImageId : number)

fixes the issue


It’s not removed, it’s actually not even deprecated, it just hasn’t been updated in a while(because there is no reason to), so this module doesn’t provide any benefits over the traditional system.

Thank you EXTREMELY for going out of your way to provide tips that include major examples. I will make sure to include these edits when v1.1 releases. If you have any type of feedback that you believe a majorly require then please send as much feedback as you want. :+1:

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