NPC humanoids in Workspace HipHeight increases over time

I have this issue where the NPC humanoids’ manually placed in game.Workspace, HipHeights are keep increasing over time by itself. It doesn’t happen consistently, rather randomly. If it is not random, I do not know what is triggering it. I am definitely not going in and manually setting the HipHeights in the studio.

Hmm, I’ve ran into a similar issue with Humanoids recently as well. The way I solved my problem was by looping through all of the Humanoids I needed to change the HipHeight too then proceeded to hook up the GetPropertyChangedSignal function to each Humanoid. Just in case the server decided to get a little trigger happy.

   local Humanoid = Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
      Humanoid.HipHeight = 1.6 -- Change this number to one you wish to keep.

This helps you to effectively avoid the .Changed() event which can be very inefficient compared to this method of listening to any changes to the Humanoid.

While I appreciate the workaround solution, I genuinely hate code like this. This is my absolute last resort. I’ll keep this solution in mind but I’m wondering if any other experienced Roblox devs know what the root cause of this is?

When you say increase over time, do you mean at runtime, while in studio, or across multiple studio sessions? This is definitely a bug.

I’ve also been having this issue, haven’t found a way to keep it from happening. You should bump that bug report thread with details of your case.

Perhaps it is something to do with OriginalSize Vector3Values?

Can you provide more information about this? I’ve tried to reproduce this issues, but I’ve not been able to see any changes in the HipHeight.

If you have an example place that demonstrates this issues, please post a link.

Do you want me to post a link to the game? Or do you want me to share my published private place with all the source code that I open in Studio? I would like to get to the bottom of this issue. It maybe how I am placing my models in the Workspace.

Ideally, it would be best to make a simple place that can be used to reproduce the issue. If you post your entire game, we will need to go through all the code to find out what the problem is and since we don’t know your code, that will take a lot longer and we may not still be able to find the issue if there’s too much code.

The best example place would be a workspace with a Humanoid in it and when you run it, you can see the HipHeight changing. I have tried this and haven’t seen any changes in the HipHeight, so there’s something else that’s causing any changes. Try to remove as much of your code as possible in a place that still exhibits the problem. The less code, the better.

I thought my plug-in was broken due to the NPC’s acting this way. Thank goodness it’s not just me. :sweat_smile:

edit: sorry, I just read the other thread. What they posted there yesterday covers everything I’m reporting here.

HipHeightRepro.rbxl (21.4 KB)

Here is a file with an NPC that was saved with a HipHeight of 1.5. Doing any of the following will set the hip height to 1.8 (floating just above the ground):

  • Saving and reopening the file
  • Making a copy of the NPC
  • Running the place

If during runtime you copy and paste the character, copy and paste the new character, etc, each successive character will have an increasing HipHeight. When I tried it, it started at 1.8, then 2.16, 2.59, then 3.11, then 3.73.

I don’t think this is the only way to cause the hip height to continuously increase over time, but it’s the only way I can figure out atm. I’ve had some NPCs climb to hip heights of 20 or above. It might be an effect of how I’m copying the NPCs from server storage to workspace, but I’m not sure. I’ll keep an eye out for more ways to reproduce this.

Well, i found out why I couldn’t repro the problem. I had some new scaling code enabled on my local build. Once I disabled that, I was able to see what you described. So, good news. We’ll be enabling these new features soon and that will make your HipHeights consistent and constant.


Yes that’s a good news. Regardless of how the issue is reproduced, humanoid NPCs should behave exactly how we intuitively expected them to be behaving. And that is

However we set their hip height in Studio and placed them in Workspace is how they should always be rendered during the game. Unless they are modified by scripts or affected by any expected game mechanics.

This is all I want.