NSTN - Moderation Guidelines

This is the official Moderation Guidelines for the NSTN Staff

In this section we will go over:

  • Moderation Procedures
  • Adonis Usage
  • De-escalation Response
  • Traffic Law Enforcement


Interacting with difficult person(s)

In this position you will likely face situations where people will become aggressive or rude towards you, as a staff member for the NSTN we expect the following in these situations:

  • Ability to remain calm.
  • Professionalism displayed.
  • Avoiding cussing out or otherwise reacting to these person(s) in an unprofessional way.
  • Following the Staff Guidelines for the type of situation and moderating as directed.
User Exploiting With Interference

In this instance I am speaking of a server sided exploit in which your ability to use Adonis or other tools are compromised or not useable at all. In these incidents the following is the immediate resolution:

  • Check to see if you are able to use the shutdown command.
  • Immediately report the incident to an HR so we can shutdown manually if needed.
  • Try to locate the individual exploiting and gather their information ( username and profile link )
  • Remain calm and do not give attention to the exploiter.
  • Try to record a video of the incident if possible.
Passenger refusing to exit bus not in service
  • At the drivers request you may kindly ask the person to exit the bus.
  • If they do not comply use the alert command on them in case of AFK.
  • If they still do not move, you can respawn them using Adonis.