NSTN - Staff Conduct Policy

This is the official Staff Conduct Policy for the NSTN Staff

In this section we will go over:

  • Professionalism Standards
  • Appearance Standards
  • Grammaral Standards
  • Outside NSTN Standards
  • Activity Standards


  • You should wear a uniform provided inside of the experience
  • You may wear an outfit that is professional on duty, ie. Suit, nice appropriate clothing.
  • You should not be dressed in a troll outfit, multi colored avatar, mixed packages.
  • Your enjoyment and fun are a priority, however when you are on the Moderation Team or are in game you should be responding to people asking for help, your job is to help our players with situations and provide professional quality service to them.
  • How you act outside of Halifax Transit can and will reflect on your position with us. ie. Trolling or bullying outside of our community, profile picture and or status on third party platforms must be appropriate.


  • You are not expected to use punctuation. ie. periods, comas.
  • You are expected to use a generally understandable and regulatory grammar while in our community
    ( example: Using full words, and spelling words correctly. not using all caps, or abbreviations or spam )


  • As stated in the professional standards and appearance section, You are responsible and will be held accountable for your actions outside of our community.
  • It is unacceptable to maintain employed staff members who partake in actions outside of our community that are hateful, bullying, illegal, inappropriate or otherwise violate the ROBLOX TOS.
  • What you do with your friends privately is your business, we are only holding you accountable for how you act publicly. ie. roblox games, other servers, etc.
  • We have a zero tolerance policy for staff members bullying, discriminating or committing acts of hate inside out outside of our community.


  • We hold you to the expectations that if you can not meet our minimum activity requirements for this position that you are communicative with us and keep us informed that you are either Unavailable ( LOA ) and keeping your HR team informed when you are falling below the requirements.


  • Must be active in the server and in game atleast 2 Hours a week. ( Approx 15 mins each week day / 20 each weekend day ) You are only expected to have 2 hours of weekly activity between SUN - SAT
  • If you are failing to meet the minimum requirements in one part of the community ie. Server OR Game. But you are active in ONE of the two you will be considered active.


  • The summer / Break requirements are double the requirements for the School Year.
  • 4 Hours of activity per week.


  • If you live in a different part of the world and fall under a different School Year / Break Schedule you will be expected to follow the requirement that pertains to your schooling situation.
  • We are not going to fire you if things get busy and you have a hard time getting online or have circumstances that prevent you from being active. AGAIN COMMUNICATION IS KEY!!!

LAST UPDATED: 03/23/2022

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