I think creating an object dedicated to this editor would be extremely valuable to developers. Personally I want to use it to create custom “height map multipliers” for my terrain generator, allowing me to easily create and modify terrain “profiles”. I could also see this being useful for creating difficulty curves in RPGs through things like damage modifiers or EXP modifiers, or useful to car games by letting developers create custom profiles for the initial speed increase of a car. Really, there’s tons of uses.
These could be an object that has one NumberSequence property, and then a function that takes an input number between 0 and 1 and outputs a number between 0 and 1, which would be the “Value” for the given “Time” on the current graph.
The infrastructure is already here, if this could just be added for our use I believe this would be immensely useful for many developers.
This is an important step to take to empower plugin developers.
Exposing certain userdata objects and their internal APIs, such as NumberSequence, and allowing plugin developers to trigger various pop-up menus such as NumberSequence editor, Color3 picker, BrickColor picker, etc would allow for a broader range of highly-interactive plugins.
We can all benefit by making plugins look apart of the native studio UI.
You can create them via script but you can’t use them for anything. That constructor is purely so that people can create them in pre-existing places such as the size value of a particle emitter. It only has constructors and a property for simply creating and reading the value, nothing for putting a value in and getting a new value out, and no graphical interface which really is the most important part here.
A) there’s not that many components you would reasonably want to be changing and
B) how would you suggest such an interface look like?
Aside from literally having a matrix of number sequence graphs lol I don’t really see how it would be usable or preferable to just having a number sequence value for the specific components you want to alter
(granted this would probably be cluttered and confusing for CFrames, it would work fine for Vector values and UDim Values)
It would be a lot easier to manage and adjust individual values in this style rather than going to each NumberSequence and adjusting it one by one