Do you like merchandise? yes!
I can’t hear you, what did you say? YES!!!
Great! I love merch too!! So here’s my idea for how roblox can open up merchandise creation for developers!
The Idea
Roblox’s sponsorships for merchandise stores are not unknown, we all know and love Jazwares and Teespring for their cool roblox toys and clothing. Based on this, we could expand to something much bigger!
Similar to both roblox toys (in particular), roblox has allowed toys versions of popular developer and in-game avatars to be created and accessible to major stores today. So why not open something similar, but for more types of merch, mugs, shirts, toys, even stickers! Rather than Roblox approaching us for the creation of merch inspired by our characters, we approach them! How? Through applications!
Similar to devforum applications, we apply individually, wether for our games, or our characters. We would provide some notable achievements we (or our games) have accomplished, what we’d like the merch to be (tee, toy, etc), and Roblox reviews our application, our accomplishments, and history (for obvious reasons), and depending on how much of a success the future merch could be, Roblox accepts or declines!
After this, and as @RBXKyle has taken the time to describe in this feature request (highly suggest giving it a read, it practically completes half of this feature request), we could open up game sale integration!
I’d like to keep this feature request short and sweet, so I’ll end it with a poll and a tl;dr.
- This is important to me
- I might need this in the future
- This is unimportant to me
0 voters
(thanks @Zomebody for the non-bias template)
TL;DR (Too late didn’t read)
- Roblox opens up merch creation with its developers
- Merch creation can be created for your game or character through applications
- Roblox judges your application based on your achievements, and your merch potential
- Integration! On your game page, for stats, the sky is the limit!
Remember guys, this is a feature request, if you feel like anything (and I mean anything) should be added, please share!
Update: Okay so I apparently did not know about the Roblox Star Program, and that you do get a share of your money off of your corresponding roblox toy. So I’ll this program would (could) be under there. Adding more products and an application process.
Suggested features:
Chesse20: Being able to sell or give away avatar clothing (for free or for a cost) in the game merch integration tab.