"O NOES" Accessory Missing Mesh and Texture

Issue Description

The Roblox catalog item “O NOES” is currently missing both its mesh and texture. When equipped, the accessory does not render properly, appearing as a brick or broken asset. This issue affects users attempting to wear or view the item in-game and in the Avatar Editor.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to the Avatar Editor, and equip the “O NOES” item/equip in a catalog avatar game.
  2. Observe that the accessory does not display correctly, appearing as missing.
  3. Attempt to inspect the item in Studio or Explorer to verify the missing mesh/texture components.

Expected Behavior

The “O NOES” accessory should display its correct 3D mesh and texture when equipped in the Avatar Editor, in-game, or when previewed in the catalog.


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Furthermore, it is important to state that the accessory name is not right… It should be “OH NOES” instead of “O NOES” to match the text sign…

Phrases like “O NOES” were very common internet slang around the time this hat released. “O NOES” can also be found in the hat’s texture’s name.


EDIT: According to another Roblox player, this shouldn’t be changed. All that needs to be solved is getting both texture and mesh restored.

Please disregard my question below… Thank you!

Interesting… However, if this is the case, wouldn’t it be suitable if the accessory texture displays “O NOES”? A curious question that popped up now…

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A lot of Roblox admin-specific hats released in the early days of Roblox suffered a similar fate:

Please lmk if I missed any!!!


Incorrect lol I remember it having “OH NOES”
You can easily look it up and it being “OH NOES”

Both hats have always been named “O NOES”.

Builderman’s O NOES

clockwork’s O NOES

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I thought the item had “OH NOES” not named it

Thanks for flagging this. Both O NOES should show correctly in thumbnail view now.