Obby/Obstacle Course Generator: Create an Obby in just 2 clicks!

Bought the plugin as I was curious as to how efficient it’d be compared to some other methods.
Pretty good generation scheme so far, tho I absolutely hate how we cannot use our own pre-sets of stages.

I’ll wait until the ability to further customize the levels and add our owns into the generation pre-sets to actually use again this plugin.


it costs 100 robux?? i want to buy it because it looks cool if i have the robux on my birthday gift i might buy it

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Hi there!

Thanks for the honest review! I really want to add that, and I will with due time. Once I implement this, I will heavily document how to implement your own custom presets efficiently!

Thank you again!

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i just bought the plugin. soon i will try it

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What happened to this plugin? Can’t find it anymore.

the owner cooked it after almost every plugin on roblox was made free (probably)

Hi there!

It should still be available at this link:

Hope this helps!

Hi there!

It was taken down due to the new changes Roblox made to plugins, rather than charging Robux it is now charging real currency.

I personally dislike this change, as the minimum price is 4.99, I wanted to set it around 0.99 or 1.99 but there was no option to.

I have put it up at 4.99, if many others disagree with this I will heavily consider reducing it to free.

Thank you!

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I just checked it out, and I agree, you should convert it to free.

I also recommend advocating to Roblox that this change is harmful.

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Oh, they automatically took it down? I know for some other developers, their plugins were immediately made free. Maybe it only happens if you aren’t ID verified, but it caused some big complaints.

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Hello everyone!

I would like to update the plugin and add features requested by you guys, got any ideas?

Thank you!

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If this is still being worked on, the ability to add custom sections would be an amazingly useful feature. I noticed it was mentioned a few times before, but doesn’t seem to have been added yet.

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Yo that’s cool, thank you bro, could save lots of time!!

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Hey there!

I have been collecting ideas for an update, and that is definitely one of them, just thinking of a way to implement it efficiently.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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Glad you like it!

Thanks for your support!