Object Serializer Open Source

This object serializer I created converts basic part properties in a model to a format compatible with DataStoreService. This system does not act in the same way a typical sandbox tycoon saving system does. Instead of cloning models from ReplicatedStorage based on it’s name and simply assigning a position, it reconstructs the model from scratch part by part. This means in theory, you could create a model in studio such that it does not require solid modelling, remove it from your game entirely, and the system would be able to recreate the model again.

Currently it can save position, rotation, size, transparency, primary parts, names, material and colors. It does not support unions, mesh parts, or anything imported from external software.

This has limited practical use and is therefore best suited as a reference concept for other applications such as making a more simplified tycoon saving system.

Here is a demo video of the system:



Hi there~ @zblox164

Thank you for sharing your creation with us, this is very interesting stuff.

Would you kindly create a link to Source code (preferably Github and/or Pastebin) for people who want to read the source but don’t have any access to a PC or maybe want to contribute to the source