Octane Adrenaline System [Insp. by Apex Legends]


I’ve been working on this adrenaline system and I just want feedback on what I could improve on. The sounds are totally NOT stolen from any particular game.

How It Works:
Once injected, you have 25 heartbeats until you have to remove the stim, failure to do so results in a “heart attack” and you die. You also have a visual countdown letting you know how much heartbeats you have left until the inevitable. You can also change the stim color and it saves as well when you leave the game.


  • Instead of having a “heart attack” when your adrenaline runs out, you just remove it like the actual game.
  • You now take 30 damage each time you use adrenaline, like the actual game again. [also to discourage spamming]
  • You can now see how much liquid you have left in your adrenaline stem, I’m keeping the timer still just in-case you don’t feel like looking down to see how much liquid you have left.
  • I also improved the camera system [not that anyone cares]

Below is a video showcasing the system in action, just leave your thoughts and feel free to go all in on your criticisms!

[OLD] System:

NEW System:

Game: Octane Adrenaline System [Insp. by Apex Legends] - Roblox


Hey this looks original. Good job, bro.

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I really dont know what to add next lol

Seems very similar to Parkour’s adrenaline system

Yeah, I got the heart attack idea from that game. I might change it to where you just take damage when you use adrenaline instead of dying when you run out of adrenaline thats how apex actually does it.

This octane adrenaline system looks great! Nice recreation in Roblox!

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