Odd shadow bug (future lighting)

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!

I’ve created a procedural backrooms generator but I’m encountering some unexpected lighting issues. I’m not sure if this is a me problem or an actual studio bug so I’ll post it here.

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

I’m using future lighting and the shadows are very broken:

The lights are point lights inside of attachments that are slightly under the lamps. I cannot replicate this bug inside outside of testing.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I’ve tried searching it up on the developer hub, disabling shadows (this worked at the cost of graphics) and replicating it outside of the testing environment (I failed).

Some possibly useful information?:
This is a wave function collapse based generator. It creates 3 layers above and under you within a set render distance. It is also tile based and creates the lights in the script when the tile is created. The lamps are created with the following script:

local attach = Instance.new("Attachment",v)
attach.Position = Vector3.new(0,-1.6,0)

local light = Instance.new("PointLight",attach)
v.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 253, 222)
light.Color = v.Color
llight.Range = 18
light.Brightness = 1
light.Shadows = true

All parts have cast shadow on currently, and all lights have shadows on.
Any help would be very appreciated, thank you/.

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@bakedsteak Hey mate maybe restart the code and clean it again and see how it goes it could be Dusty a bit get the joke Lol?

I made a typo in whilst typing the code in the post but it seems fine. Ive tried using surface lights too and they experience the same bug. Rewriting the entire script wont help either as most of it is dedicated to the algorithm and thus wouldnt really fix anything

@bakedsteak mate hmmm it sounds like your using the wrong algorithm or you have the right one but just not good affected enough to hold it in that’s why it’s not fixing the lighting

The algorithm itself does nothing to the lighting. It works as intended. I’m just wondering if I should post this as an engine bug or not as I have no idea how some faulty code could break the lighting engine this badly.

@bakedsteak mate it’s not working at all then probably a Engine bug your right

thank you, ill post it in engine bugs then

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No, @eeriwnsnbin. It isn’t an engine bug on their side. Basically light.shadow is the reason. Have you tried using SurfaceLight?

I messed around with that for a bit but sadly it also breaks

I should note that disabling castshadow on an object removes the buggy shadow from it, which is really odd. Perhaps its casting a shadow on itself and it then overlaps with the actual light?

its likely an instance of the broader set of bugs:
(New Update Today Broke PointLights)