Official Candidacies | Bakiezville City Hall Elections Summer 2020

Official Candidacy’s for the Summer 2020 Bakiezville City Hall Election

Greetings Citizens of Bakiezville and members of the community!

The Oversight Committee has spent the past couple of days reviewing each individual planning on running for office. This process is very extensive and all members of the committee must unanimously approve each individual wanting to run in order for them to do so.

If your name happens to not be on the list, it may be due to one of the reasons listed below:

  • Join date in the Bakiez community discord server is less than 3 months
  • Not apart of the Bakiez community discord server
  • Not an active member within the community
  • Terrible history within the Bakiez community
  • Terrible history within the cafe community
  • Bad moderation history within the Bakiez community discord server

If you were not chosen to run for office, please ensure that you meet all of the criteria necessary to run for office in the next election to reduced your chance of being denied by the Oversight Committee.

In addition, do not message Corporate or any member of the Oversight Committee anything pertaining to being denied candidacy to run because it will be ignored.

Official Mayoral Candidacies for the Summer 2020 Bakiezville City Hall Election

Candidacy #1:
Mayor: Theman1483
Deputy: Graciles

Candidacy #2:
Mayor: galactictoes
Deputy: dzncinq

Candidacy #3:
Mayor: kenzteaa
Deputy: jojoteaa

Official City Council Candidacies for the Summer 2020 Bakiezville City Hall Election

  • BrandonLenkner
  • LoveiySarah
  • PugPuppy2342
  • Joyfulgur11
  • lxgh1lxy
  • pokemon89075
  • OceanLilyx
  • Pixie_Shimmers
  • Caramel_Liizi
  • TeenWolf_06
  • SkyDeviant
  • DogsRuleOverAll
  • 9npanman
  • BrennyyBunny
  • ju1pods
  • isqxbeI
  • fredawesome999
  • kaykayz78
  • lolsimulatorguy
  • winters_childs
  • houdaaaaaaaa09
  • missinqeze
  • cora_watson
  • scefpxy
  • KingOf_Apathy
  • Dreamy_Kittens
  • rivvaq
  • siimpIyrosie


With that being said, major congratulations to all who were chosen selectively by the Oversight Committee and were approved to run.

Those who were approved to run, and those planning on campaigning on behalf of the candidate they support, must read and follow all the guidelines below or they risk facing serious punishment and/or potential disqualification:

The first official debate night of the Summer 2020 Bakiezville City Hall Election will be announced soon as well as a detailed guide explaining the role of Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and City Hall as a whole.

Campaigning will take place from July 10th (12:00 AM EST) to July 26th!

To close, good luck to all running.
May the odds be ever in your favor…