[Old] Drakuvis' Building Portfolio

Moved to my website, nikoloz.art


This is a major talent you hold! I’m very impressed!
Now, those maps I would purchase, but, what is large scale maps to you? Maybe a maximum stud count for the small, medium, and large scaled maps. The 50% upfront payment is smart to prevent scammers. This allows you to at least half the profit instead of none.
Still, a great portfolio! Just recommend those few useful tips.

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Sorry for the late reply,
I appreciate your feedback, Large scale map is a size of 20-25 baseplates, Medium is around 10-15 and Small is 5.
The 50% upfront is to make sure the commission isn’t canceled and I don’t loose my time, I doubt anyone will cancel the commission after they paid the first half already :man_shrugging:

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This portfolio is old and is no longer being updated. I have moved completely to my Website

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