Old Roblox Sound Library [Module]


Hi! Some people love old Roblox sounds. After the APM Catalog audios have been uploaded to Roblox’s Developer Marketplace, they became much harder to find.
Thankfully, @Chris12902’s project was able to undig those Sound IDs. Those sounds were mostly used in experiences, gears and hats.

Why module?

People can make sound library modules with bigger ease. I have categorized and renamed sounds to make it easier for you.

Small notes

  • Tables in the module were automatically created. I was revieving ALL the sounds manually, by building a small “review” station in a place file of mine. Errors are possible.
  • My module should contain most if not all the sounds. Why? Some sounds were accidentally uploaded as images, animations or many other things.
  • The bot didn’t include sounds uploaded by clockwork, Shedletsky or RobloSam - so I have added them manually.
  • I apologize for the “ClassificationThing=1” stuff. I did it so your screen won’t drown in a sea of trues.

GitHub Link


Cool module. I recently made a plugin like this, except it’s for finding quality audio for your games.


Nice! This is really useful. Do you mind if I make a plugin using these sounds, as an easy way to acces them? I will credit you and Chris.

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Would it be fine if I just added these sounds to my plugin?

Sure! Make it a different section, though.

Sounds good. Thanks.
Come out in v1.7

All good. Feel free to use it.


Sad to say none of theses audios work anymore. I made a hotloader script that checks if the audio ID loads then deletes the sound if it doesn’t. Not a single audio played, huge RIP.

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I still use many of them.
Maybe you mean the copy-paste issue the studio usually has?

I know sounds uploaded by anyone else than Roblox account might have problems.

yes, the audios may work for you but they aren’t public so other users can’t use them (due to audio update)

Yeah, the whole module was done before those changes.
I sadly can’t do anything about it and best method is reuploading sounds.

They replaced the Oof sound with thew horrible new one??

Yeah. They did.
You are able to reupload the old sound though.