Old Roblox Sound Library [Module]


Hi! Some people love old Roblox sounds. After the APM Catalog audios have been uploaded to Roblox’s Developer Marketplace, they became much harder to find.
Thankfully, @Chris12902’s project was able to undig those Sound IDs. Those sounds were mostly used in experiences, gears and hats.

Why module?

People can make sound library modules with bigger ease. I have categorized and renamed sounds to make it easier for you.

Small notes

  • Tables in the module were automatically created. I was revieving ALL the sounds manually, by building a small “review” station in a place file of mine. Errors are possible.
  • My module should contain most if not all the sounds. Why? Some sounds were accidentally uploaded as images, animations or many other things.
  • The bot didn’t include sounds uploaded by clockwork, Shedletsky or RobloSam - so I have added them manually.
  • I apologize for the “ClassificationThing=1” stuff. I did it so your screen won’t drown in a sea of trues.

GitHub Link


Cool module. I recently made a plugin like this, except it’s for finding quality audio for your games.


Nice! This is really useful. Do you mind if I make a plugin using these sounds, as an easy way to acces them? I will credit you and Chris.

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Would it be fine if I just added these sounds to my plugin?

Sure! Make it a different section, though.

Sounds good. Thanks.
Come out in v1.7

All good. Feel free to use it.


Sad to say none of theses audios work anymore. I made a hotloader script that checks if the audio ID loads then deletes the sound if it doesn’t. Not a single audio played, huge RIP.

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I still use many of them.
Maybe you mean the copy-paste issue the studio usually has?

I know sounds uploaded by anyone else than Roblox account might have problems.