One-click Collaborate in Studio [Beta]

Bumping this topic again because the collaboration window is still unusable by anybody that is not the group owner. Regardless of Edit permissions. Why is this still so limited?

Hello, Why is the Manage Collaborators window not showing anything?

It is really annoying for me
How can i fix it?

I’m not a owner of that game, but it is happening to our owner. So it is not able to add collaborators currently any helps?

hi @jiwonz thanks for reporting this. Are you still seeing the issue? If you are, are you seeing any messages on the Output window? And if you can let me know what Studio version you’re on that would be helpful too.

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Here are studio version and error in output
Also this account that problem happens is not my account(jiwonz)

i have the same issue aprox. 2 months after. Is there a date to fix this? how can we manage collaborators meanwhile?

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