Only the first 100 Badges in User Inventory can be found

At the moment nextPageCursor will always return null and moving the pageNumber forward still shows the same 100 items.
Example user inventory:

End users will find that they can only view page 4 before showing no more pages. There is no workaround.


It is like this for Models & Packages as well. I have 25+ pages but it stops at page 4.


Is this what is causing the issue?

I couldn’t help but to notice the ‘100 requests/min per API key’ for the Inventory API.

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Please try changing itemsPerPage, I cannot test right now.

Any value up to 100 works, and no more. There is no workaround.

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Hey everyone! We are working on fixing this issue so that users on the website can properly see their inventories again.

I would actually recommend trying to use the Open Cloud Inventory API in the meantime as that one has remained working. You will receive the badge IDs and can use those to get further details for each badge if needed.

I know I followed up with you in that post but I would actually recommend using the Open Cloud Inventory API for your use cases if possible! :grin: The API powering the website is known to be deprecated and not suited for use by our end users for retrieving inventory items reliably (especially if you are using it in your code).


Thanks for fixing it and for highlighting OpenCloud. My focus was on the front end and didn’t consider opencloud, more like player than dev moment.

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