We are pleased to announce the beta launch of the Open Cloud Messaging API V2. This API enables the publication of messages to game servers of your experiences from external sources outside the Roblox environment. This allows integration with your own system for live announcements, running LiveOps events, banning bad actors in real time, and other functions leveraging the MessagingService.
Message publication can now be done through the new endpoint on Open Cloud, following the same procedures as other familiar APIs on the Open Cloud platform.
Please note the change in the Open Cloud resource URL and the relocation of the topic from the URL to the request body. Refer to the Open Cloud API documentation for Messaging at Universe | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or encounter any issues.
Any notable improvements over v1? And assuming I’m reading the documentation correctly, I take it that v2 functions identically to v1 with the only difference being the topic inside request body instead of the path parameters?
There are no user-facing improvements other than onboarding to the Open Cloud v2 to benefit from the security built into the platform and provide the same user experience as other services on the platform.
Are there any technical reasons for only allowing strings to be published through the CloudAPI or are other datatypes just not planned/implemented currently?
I’m also curious about this. So many cool features released yet particularly I think this is one of the most waited. This would be efficient for some systems, mainly matchmaking.
I don’t know if you’re interested in something like this but I wrote something like a WebSocket for Roblox: GitHub - metrik-tech/pulse. Not 100% done yet, needs a Lua client but that should be fairly straightforward to implement.
It’s built using Cloudflare Workers/Durable Objects, and should be plenty efficient & cheap to run if all you want is realtime comms between a server and Roblox.
Is it possible to make it so that only a specific place/game instance receives a message? This would make it at least slightly more secure to implement something like websockets in Roblox.