Community Feedback Program Application!

Hey, thank you for the response & quick updating!
Unfortunately, it seems that I still do not meet the criteria to join the program. Would it be possible to know which criterias are considered in the application? Many thanks.

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Would it be possible if the application could provide more details as to which section we do not qualify for? It’s hard to tell where we went wrong in the application.

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Maybe this is done on purpose in order to shortlist people who are filling the form. There might be an unlisted requirement which we must qualify in order to be selected in this application’s stage.
Could be wrong, would love to have an official statement.

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Yes, I’m aware of there being a filter and its purpose. I was asking for clarification regarding its requirements.

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Regarding this question :-

Is it only referring to the UGC Creators Program or does it also include the UGC Event Organizing Program?
Being a part of it, I am concerned if they are considering both or no.


We are referring to just the UGC program, not the event organizers. You can learn more about the UGC program here.


I wish that there was an option to write about why you would like to participate in this program. As a developer that does not have the most popular games (in terms of visits), but has done a lot of work in terms of developing feature requests / supporting Roblox community, I would’ve liked to been able to express that in my application.


I am very interested in joining on for this.
I’ve been working with Studio since 2014, and it has been an amazing experience seeing the new tools and beta features. Hopefully be a more small time developer and UGC creator doesn’t hold me back from possibly joining this program! I feel very confident in my abilities on the platform, and know I could provide feedback as well on these new features.

Just a few questions about this application we send in.

Do the amount of visits count towards considering us for the program? (I listed my primary game, which spans over three places, so hopefully that doesn’t divide it’s player count in the eyes of the reviewer.)

When asked if we own a group on Roblox, would owning a building, modeling, and showcasing community count towards this?
The app says to not count fan groups or “studio” groups. Does Studio groups mean development teams or groups focused on building and modeling as a hobby and interest like clothing groups?

Lastly, the question about how much we earn from “clothing” on Roblox felt a bit vague.
Does clothing mean the new Jackets for UGC creators, 2D clothing?
Do we list how much we make in terms of Robux or USD (I imagine Robux.)

Thank you for your time!

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Agree, and Yeah. And its really cool! and Good luck to everybody who applied!


i did fill the survey out i hope i did not mess up the age format.

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Hello everyone!

We just wanted to note that this application is subject to change! We are actively making modifications to help create a more inclusive program. This application is designed to aid in the selection process, but it is not perfect. If you get a message saying you do not qualify, this DOES NOT mean your application won’t be reviewed. This program does not have any requirements to join but there are some criteria we look for when selecting. :slight_smile:

If you have any concerns, please let us know so we can address them. We want to hear as many voices as we can!


Nice I didn’t apply tho lol :smiley: have a good day!

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I love it! Hope to be accepted , hopefully. :smile:

Just applied. Would be pretty cool if I got accepted :smiley:


Very much looking forward to this, looks like a great program!

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Shame that you need an mic for it

Is there a way in which you would prefer us to format multi-link submissions for the question regarding what popular games we have contributed to? I noticed that the input does not support multiple lines, so I figured that there was no harm in asking.

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The survey should now accept multiple lines for this question. :slight_smile:

This is to promote productive conversations. Text chat is slow and takes up a lot more time than voice chat does.


Great I just gotta Speedrun releasing my game, pray that the new algorithm they recently released blows my game up like it did with others and apply :pray::pray::pray:

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Friends and teammates of mine have entered the program with no contributions to anything with big numbers, which is just a great way to include diverse minds in the program. Regardless of what you have to fill in your application, it could be worth applying, they will always check your latest application if you send in an updated one at a later point.
Despite how many months-years I’ve been hoping to get in, sometimes users in the program get the option to invite team members as guest to sessions, and I’ve enjoyed providing feedback this way with some of the teams I’m in, would love to have the chance at more.