[OPEN] Developer Hangout NEED SCRIPTER

Hello! My name is Dean, and I am looking for a partner to be a UI designer/scripter to help with a hangout idea that I had, think of trade hangout, the game averages 600+ players making merely a MILLIONAIRE where he rarely updates the game, my idea is to make a hangout that is with the same concept, but a developer hangout, its like the dev forum but in a game where peopel can communicate there will be booths and other things like that where peopel can also adervtse their game, I will be building the whole entire map. you will be making the UI’s and you will be scripting them as well, It would be nice if you are a GFX designer as well.


That’s actually a really good idea. I’ve been looking for a place like that to find a dev for my homestore. That’s really smart.

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I would love to be the programmer. But I am not a ui designer.

Hmm alright there won’t be much programming but it is a little bit of UI designing I could do the designing but I need someone to make it all function

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I wish I could help you out in this project! This seems to be a great idea. Unfortunately, I’m only a GFX Artist and I can’t script. :pensive: I could probably design some UI but that’s about it.

Good luck with finding a partner though!


Sounds good, but I don’t think it’ll gain much attention.

But, since the whole point is “advertising” and “hiring”, you’re more likely to make “Group Recruiting Plaza” than a “Developer hangout”.

Sorry but I’m out.

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Ok thanks
30 characters
30 characters


Alright well the point of the game is not for groups, but more for the development of the games thanks for the input though


So in the game you talk with devs and talk? Is that it?


Have you ever played trade hangout? It’s very popular, and that’s all you do. It’s actually really smart.


I will love to be a programmer. My discord tag: adminaccount58#3329

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The idea sounds neat on paper but how would it be executed? Trade Hangout works because it’s an integral part of the trade community, it’s apart of the entire backbone of the Roblox economy, if you’re saying that this place is just there for developers to communicate and talk with one another, Group Recruiting Plaza or the DevForum itself would already make great alternatives, you’d best rethink how you’ll execute the idea before trying to turn it into a business.

I say this because if your plan is to just repeat what Trade Hangout did but without the trading, then you have effectively lost that battle, the DevForum and Group Recruiting Plaza have beaten you to the punch there my fellow gamer, you’d best figure out how you’ll separate yourself in a way that is both useful and unique that’ll make sense, rather than copying existing games ideas.


Ya know how trade hangout has the play this game leaderboard? Well that’s the main part of the game like game tracker but not for people to find a place, more so to talk about their recent games and get people to go play them or find a dev partner in group recruiting plaza a lot of people are devs but more so hire someone to say make a homestore for their clothing group or hire someone to make them a hotel they are just the group owner, the group manager this idea is for developers to communicate with eachother find someone to work on a new game with that meets their needs, get people to play it, and just hangout

Will the leader board tracker be place visits, or what’s your plan on that?

You can already do those things on both the DevForum and Group Recruiting Plaza, the DevForum already has a multitude of different catergories so developers can do all those things, and with GRP consistently you can find developers all the time willing to work. I’m afraid to say your idea isn’t very practical to begin with, and if you want to succeed you’ll need to find something else. By copying TH’s formatting and how it found success, you effectively lose before you start since it’s impractical to go looking for developers on a game, when there are better and more effective alternatives.

It’s not to say not I’m intrigued, I’m simply pointing out the massive flaws in your plan, as if you don’t attempt to disect them and find ways to navigate the flaw, you will not succeed regardless of what you attempt to do.


what do you mean leaderboard tracker? I mean like it will either have signs or it will be a UI not sure yet and it will be a game tracjer that the player can pay robux for or with the points that they get for staying in the game (premium users will get x2 these points)


Something like this, however instead of RAP, it’ll be place visits.

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That’d be extremely difficult to program, considering how a lot of players have lots of places, so it can just bog down the game if done poorly.

Plus, why have a tracker with place visits? It’d be something someone immediately sees, yes, but it’s also going to be how many people immediately judge someone as a developer, as maybe a developer may be very good at building, but have 10 place visits, it just wouldn’t be a good overall system to implement.

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There will be 2 leaderstats one for points you get i’d say 10 points every mionute and you can buy things with that, and the other one i want to make combination of your place visits, and premium place visits so it will be called Place Points. for every normal place visit then it is 1 point and for every premium place visit it is 2 points, i just want it to be like that. Im not a scripter so is that possible?

I’m not posting to spite, just a couple of 2 cents thoughts here

Tbh the above quote gave me the impression that the main or significant motivation here is to become a MILLIONARE- I’m not against that, but I know others can be; My only (friendly) suggestion on that is to try not to invoke profitability so strongly… or rather publicly. I know I have my own feelings on profitability in my project.

The game itself though:
I think a big big reason Trade hangout was and continues to be a popular choice in the trade community is because it fulfills a very straightforward means of getting buyerss to… well buy. You can go to the place, see the item and buy it in the same 30 seconds. It’s convenient- it’s focused. Not only that, you have a well-made hangout where there are knowledgeable traders, with focus stats, allowing you to see the item, and trade the item all in the same sitting.

Now thats the thing- I feel like Avatar elements are much more sellable on a in-game level- whereas I also believe games are much more marketable on a platform level (aka the site itself)

My questions for you: What are the big reasons that make your game a better option for marketing than at the platform level? How will you bring convenience to this process? The results are evident in the robux earned in TH, how will you bare out reputable statistics to the users of this serviced hangout?