[OPEN SOURCE] Admin Panel (Easy to setup)

Last night, I had an Idea and it finally worked out. (For once)!

Today, I am open sourcing it to the public for all to use.

Some documentation on how this admin panel works.

Located inside the main script, PanelModule is the table for the UserID’s of the whitelisted users who are permitted to use the system. / Groups who can use it.

The moderator will open the admin panel after being whitelisted by joining the game, once the moderator has done so the admin panel will pop up. This is what’ll be shown to the moderator.

There is a total of 12 Pre coded commands. Kick, Ban, Warn, Shout, Rejoin, Banlist, Points, TpTo, TpBring, Snatch

panel.rbxm (26.3 KB)

That’s all for today, if you have any concerns, comments or inquires, or something else I should open source make & open source, let me know!

What Commands do what

Bring - Bring the player to you.
To - Tp a player to you.
Kick - Kick the mentioned player.
Ban - Ban the mentioned player.
Warn - Warn the mentioned player.
Shout - Announce a message.
Rejoin - Force a player to rejoin.
Banlist - Show a list of current banned users.
Points - Change the points of a user. (Ideal for Groups with Points)
Snatch - Take the tools from the players Inventory


Free to use!, If you need help, Feel free to contact me via PM or on the comments and I will write back!

What are all of the commands, or “tools” that are on the panel?

Kick, Ban, Warn, Shout, Rejoin, Banlist, Points, TpTo, TpBring, Snatch They all can be changed via the script / Permissions script. The Permissions are set from Mod,Admin,Owner,Creator

Where do the scripts and stuff go?

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Serverscriptservice for the scripts, And the events go into ReplicatedStorage

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Cool Bro.
Couple Questions:

Is it Server-Based, Client-Based, or Both?
Are the commands done by typing in chat bar, or in a panel UI?

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Commands are done via the UI, and the they are server based / client based.

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