[Open Source] AstRal HeaRts: Open Source

AstRal HeaRts was an RPG that started development in 2017. After many years and refactors, I’ve decided to open source it. Feel free to take a look at the code, written using AeroGameFramework back in 2019. It’s completely available to reuse, remix, repurpose, or even re-release as your own. I haven’t updated the code for the game since 2020, so it seriously lacks in quality but it may be a good starting place to see how certain systems like mob AI were handled.

This release will probably not work out of the box, given its dependency on assets owned by the Team Sayo group. I’m currently looking into creating placeholders that can fill in during the meantime. Hopefully this project is useful to anyone looking to make an RPG!

Github repo: https://github.com/seyaidev/Astral-Hearts-OS


Is there an rbxl or direct game file? asking for animation purposes. would love to use and edit the animations! they look awesome.


I’m looking into exporting a select number of animations and other related assets, it’s just taking some time since I’m caught up with other things at the moment but I wanted to release the code first.


We lost a great game. </3 Hopefully someone will step up to revive it and bring it back to its former glory.


no way, open sourcing this is insane.


I’ve been trying to find a recent or updated game open sourced with the RPG theme
One that wasn’t Evercyan’s RPG KIT

I’m glad you open sourced this, will learn off it


I’m currently looking into creating placeholders that can fill in during the meantime.

Any update on this ?

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Sorry, I’ve been away from my computer due to RDC and a company summit so it’ll be a while until I can get some time to publishing something.

All good, I’ve been learning quite a bit from what’s already available was just making sure we’ll eventually see a version without packages

Btw, why did you use packages ?
To fight exploiters or is it just more efficient to do so?

At the time, it was good for the multiple places that we had across the whole experience.

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Can it be uncopylocked? I’m having trouble importing it to studio

There is a place file in the Github repository. I’m not uncopylocking the main game itself, but the code that builds it up as well as one of the zones are freely available for download.

Where can i find it? (character limit)

It’s in the Github repo, but here’s a link to it and a picture of it as well!

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It says here that “(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

Here this should greatly help you


Hey man, I know I’m a little late to the party, but do you have any plans on finishing off with the placeholders stuff?

wait yo hello i want to use this whole thing the character creation and everything for my game how do i use this

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Is horizontal movement the only anti cheat you had in the game? I noticed you had double jumps in the game and was wondering what you did to prevent exploitation on that end.

why isn’t it uncopylocked? I have 0 GB in my laptop :confused:

Screenshot 2023-04-03 145039