[Open Source] HR+ Join Message

Greetings, everyone.

Me and my friend @MasterScootScoot Decided to open-source this project due to the amount of attention that this has been given.


You are not permitted to claim this model as your own, or reopen source it as claiming it as your own.

The provided code is on roblox:


Oh my gosh, thank you! I have been looking for this for quite a while even after I looked all over the internet. Thank you very much!


One thing that you might want to consider is storing the “GetRankInGroup(YourGroupId)” part in a variable. This will help with performance down the road as each time you call the GetRankInGroup function, it’s taking time to gather that data. Since those two calls are fractions of a second apart, you might as well trust the first call and use the same data for your notification.


I think this is related to the comment above but try adding in a text saying the rank of the HR!
Example: “A Chief Executive Officer Has Joined The Game!” With the username above of course :slight_smile:


It’s all good, but would’ve been better if I didn’t have to join the ‘Programmers’ group just to vote in the poll.

You could just create it through the script instead, to make it more automated of a process.

Not much of a difference, but server-scripts are meant to go under game.ServerScriptService, referring to the first script provided in the post


Well, it will let me pick 1 anyways.


Edited it to GetRoleInGroup

//Testing the ```javascript

Why have you wrapped the client side in pcall if you’re not going to check for an error?

Edit: I meant to say pcall but I’m on my phone so auto correct changed it

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This is what I Was looking for around on the Internet. so people would be notified when a High rank joins the game. But I am confused as to how you set this up?
I have created a RemoteEvent named JoinNotify in ReplicatedStorage, Added a Script into ServerScriptService and changed it so instead of GetRankInGroup it’s GetRoleInGroup, also I have added the Localscript into StarterGui
However nothing comes up when I start the game did I miss something?


I used a pcall since the CoreGui has not loaded the Notification yet, so there a error that says
“SendNotification is not registered by the core scripts”


But your not checking for an error. To check for an error you would do

local success, err = pcall(function()
-- code 
if err then warn("Error: "err) end
if success then print ‘Its worked’ end

Use it in ```lua format please, it will help me.

--Put your code here

Mostly if there was a error it will mostly just say it.

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New Help Guide!

    Player:GetRankInGroup(YourGroupId) >= HrRank [HrRank is for the people that are alloud on the Join Message!]
    Player:GetRoleInGroup(YourGroupId)..', Has joined the game!'
    Change "Has joined the game!" to anything you want!
    "Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot" You can change it to anything you want
    Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot --Default
    local AdminText = Player:GetRoleInGroup(YourGroupId)..', Has joined the party!' --Change it to what ever you want.
    local Type = Enum.ThumbnailType.AvatarThumbnail --Change it to what ever you want.
    --If theres any bugs contact me on discord helpqs#5249--

This is helpful for several groups, thanks for releasing this. :+1:

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Was anyone able to get this working I must be doing something wrong.

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If there was a problem I need to see it.

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I redo the poll, to see if it helpful or not.

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If your having any problems read the Edit.

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What else should I Open source?

Maybe instead of it just being a join notification it can give notifications for when someone leaves the game as well.