Open Sourced Rail Grinding System

Hello! Around August of last year I made a post regarding Rail Grinding and how to implement it in-game.

> Blockquote

I wanted to make a somewhat clean way to make Rail Grinding that would allow one to place where they wanted rails visibly. After 8 difficult months (Quite a while, I know!) I believe I have finally come to a solution! Now, it may not be the perfect way to handle this type of thing (Admittedly I’m kind of a novice) but it shall suffice for now.

Although this was initially created for a game that I’m working on, I wanted to open source it for fellow aspiring game devs to also make great games! Below you can find the script itself (for those that know what they’re doing and wish to take a peek) and a place that already has the System set up (mainly for beginner developers and/or those who are too lazy to poke around).
RailGrind.rbxm (9.0 KB)
RailGrindSystemTestPlace.rbxl (98.5 KB)

I hope it is of some use to whomever feels they may need it! However I do have one request (or maybe two) and that is to credit me, as I spent a long time getting this to work. The other thing is to favorite
> Blockquote Multiversum, which is my passion project that I have been working on with my friends for the past year and a half.

With all of this out of the way I once again hope people find good use of this, and have a lovely day! :slight_smile:


thanks i may or may not use this maybe theres a chance i do theres a chance i dont
you should also share some screenshots so we can get a preview before downloading


What is a rail grinding system?

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thank you, i probably should do that :laughing:

I used this as an example in a previous post, though this is most like much more advanced than what i made admittedly

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A little visual Demo as per requested