Opening Teamcreate Deletes Camera in Viewport Frames

When I open Studio after enabling Team Create for a project I have, every single camera in the game that is parented to a ViewportFrame is deleted. I have to run a script which finds viewport frames in the game and instances a new camera every time I open up in Team Create.

It started happening yesterday when I enabled Team Create.

not appearing in workspace ViewportFrames

not appearing in StarterGui ViewportFrames

So I run these scripts on game start every time I open up Team Create


Hi AmWrath, thanks for reporting this. We are taking a look.

This feature request seems relevant to this issue as well (and may be caused by the same underlying behavior). It’s just simply not possible to work comfortably with static camera instances for use with viewportframes; you have to instantiate them programatically or there will be annoying issues like this one, or the one in this feature request.


I just created a bug report in reference to this (its actually the underlying issue as to why this happens). I didn’t find this until just now since it appears to be a different bug at first.

I don’t believe that Camera instances should replicate to clients in live servers since the behaviour is legitimately useful and used by devs (albeit its ridiculously hacky and I legitimately hate that I personally have been using it, but, there’s not a good workaround).

If this behaviour were to be changed in live servers, I think behaviour should remain present in older games (e.g. through an opt-in) but in newer games it should be disabled, and additionally, an alternative should exist. I’m about to make a feature request for this exactly as it is a little concerning to me to be using Cameras for behaviour like this and leads to a lot of wonkyness in the engine, especially for TC servers. It’d be a hassle to support behaviour everywhere and keep things consistent.

Edit (did it):

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This issue is still happening.

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