Opening the Number/ColorSequence editor while simulation paused causes a crash

As of version 0.618, when attempting to edit a NumberSequence or ColorSequence via the Properties menu while the game is paused immediately causes a crash. This affects attempting to bring up the UI via the “…” button and not putting in values manually.
This occurs without any beta features enabled, and is possibly related to this other report.


  1. Create any object containing a property of type NumberSequence or ColorSequence (I used a trail)
  2. Run the game
  3. Pause via the Test menu
  4. In Properties, click the property and its “…” button

A private message is associated with this bug report

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We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and will follow up when we have updates!

Thanks for the report!

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Hi! A fix for this bug has just shipped. Thanks again for the report!

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