I’m not against public UGC, I knew it was the plan from the beginning. But when it costs 3000 robux just to get an item on Marketplace that only gives me 30% back ('cause Roblox takes 70% of the profit) I just- How am I supposed to compete with copycat garbage that sells simply because it’s a copy. I just wanna make unique items T-T
We all knew public UGC was destined to come, but this sudden change to the price per stock of a limited is pretty disastrous please rethink your decision!
Just give me access to publish the 3D UGCs lol
That’s cool and all, but when is it actually actually coming out?
Last time I got a prompt saying I qualify and all I needed was to get Premium, so I did, and then I wasn’t allowed which means I practically got scammed out of a few bucks.
When are you ACTUALLY going to release it??
is this still slowly rolling out?, because i meet all requirements and i cant save to roblox and publish as a accessory
maxxell warned us everything goes to zero
I don’t know what to say. UGC at one point was a small group of incredibly talented individuals. If you were in the UGC you were respected within the community it meant you had skill. It also gave you an ok income. Now UGC is ridiculed, it is littered with creators that have 0 skill and upload literal 1:1 copies of existing items. The increase in pricing, which I assume is to limit how much ugc is uploaded, has just killed the economy and profitability of being a UGC creator.
The trading economy has also crashed. People could become millionaires if they knew how to trade and understood value of something. Now you can just buy pretty much any limited for 15 robux. Along with there are a bunch of 1 copy limited that are “worth” 9B robux
This is one of the worst decisions I have seen so far
You will have to wait until it expires.
It’s a very far fall from grace sadly.
i wonder how i guessed the person who used ai to make ugc would also use ai to make said song
I’m not sure but the way I read that was that you get 100% until the Publishing Advance is refunded then it goes to 70/30… ?
also is the price now set at 10k to publish to marketplace to be sold? (from the video it shows 10k robux), i thought it was 700 robux
that’s for a limited item which has now changed to 100 robux per 1 stock .
ok thank you thats pretty sick, i don’t even know why they had that price before hand lol
now you can create ugc items, now if you are happy make sure u use it wisely, or well idk up to you i dont think ugc has any value now lol
perchance have you heard of the phrase “chores”?
never said you were, its just misguided hope if you thought it would be 500-1000 robux per publish, since making a shirt/pants has way less consequences for roblox than an item.
listen I love to complain about moderation just as much as the next robloxian, but you can’t simply “buff” moderation, its a long process which would require re-teaching and retraining the moderation team, the only reason the EU appeals work is because thats not done in house by roblox, to “buff” the moderation team would be to hire/retrain thousands of employees which is clearly not something roblox can achieve as of now.
we’ll see if any of these changes stick, the higher ups might suddenly decide to change the system randomly for no reason, only time will tell.
… did you know the announcement thread you are posting under is partially about AI tools being pushed out by the multi-billion dollar corporation to hundreds of millions of players?
Never said the situation isn’t bad already. But it will 100% get worse.
The floodgates have opened! Get ready guys!