Opening up Marketplace to More Creators

Pls remove the premium border!


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Yes, you can! yeah you first need to learn how to make bodies which is a bit harder but in rest thats possible

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  1. its better to look for a job instead of asking parents to give you some money (cringe)
  2. I am not THAT rich
  3. Why not just to buff moderation instead of making prices high? I do not care if it takes 2-5 days just to make sure my item will pass moderation, i dont want to pay all my savings just to publish in-game accessory

Iā€™m very excited to hear this announcement! This should had been a feature since the release of UGC back in 2019 rather than being gatekept to a couple hundred/thousand people. Hopefully it becomes a bit more accessible to developers with a small budget because Iā€™m sure pretty much everyone doesnā€™t like the upfront costs

Oh nice! is that a planet with a big ring around it? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well, itā€™s nice to have more people upload UGC items (meaning I can upload my items without getting an existing uploader for me), but itā€™s gonna be a complete disaster without a single warning. Especially with free UGC limitedā€™s per-unit being 10x more expensive than the previous one. That is just ridiculous.

Like seriously, who asked for this? Me, OutlookG, and the entire roblox community would like to know.

And if per-unit fees can be changed, why not change it now? Lowering the price (to like 15 or 25 as an example) is way better than just 100 Robux.

Other than that, letā€™s hope for the best??? I donā€™t even care anymore at this point.


Even with the UGC program, you couldnā€™t moderate the items. How are you going to moderate them now? Still, itā€™s not a bad update. But Iā€™m worried about moderation. Chaos.



weā€™re cooked 100%. no doubt at all.


planet ugc (this is not a bypass trust me)

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My thoughts exactly, the amount of copies/ copyright items being uploaded will 100% be too much to handle.


Is Public UGC slowly rolling out? I just bought 1000 Premium to make publish some of my accessories but I get this error in return:


how did you even manage to upload it?

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Yea i think it is. Because i canā€™t even see a page like that

public ugc, instead of fixing moderation, or even improving your servers which crash almost every month, you release public ugcā€¦ great. and you wonder why your stock is crashingā€¦


Despite everything that could be changed or adjusted with UGC at the current moment, I canā€™t help but be excited to get to try out the program finally :]

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Please address this problem IMMEDIATELY. UGC creators have been doing plans with free limiteds beforehand (take Fort Yolkshire and Giftsplosion for example), and you have threw it all away for the sake of making an extra buck, and to give further stress to those who create events for YOUR platform to continue a tradition that you have given up beforehand. This is very unprofessional to do with your community, and is very absurd that there was no second thought behind this. For shame.


Iā€™m not against public UGC. I think itā€™s great that itā€™ll be open to just about everyone now (premium 1000 requirement aside, which is a bit weird but I assume thatā€™s to prevent easy botting and dodging UGC bans, which is good!), and as someone who doesnā€™t care much about UGC ā€œdevaluingā€ roblox-made limiteds, I donā€™t mind all the ā€œknockoffs.ā€ (To be clear, by ā€œknockoffs,ā€ I mean UGC items with unique designs based off roblox-made items, I think some of those are cool. I will agree though that people uploading 1:1 copies of existing limiteds by separating the mesh into like 3 separate hats is lame and lazy, even if itā€™s kinda funny to me.)

However, I like UGC limiteds for the ability to award them in-game like an event item. Iā€™ve been interested in doing something like that in my games and have been eagerly awaiting public UGC for a while now, so itā€™s safe to say I was excited to see this announcement today! At least, until I saw this little tidbit here:

ā€¦Roblox, are you insane? All this new stock price does is discourage free customization and encourage devs to make UGC limiteds earned ingame have insanely tedious requirements just to draw out playtime in hopes of making back the cost via premium payouts and people buying stuff to progress faster, because they canā€™t depend on people reselling the item to make back the cost in any reasonable amount of time since they only get 10% of each resale!!! Heck, free limiteds being tedious to get was already a problem even before today, but itā€™s just going to be worse now. What was the point of this change??


people with the small budget shouldnā€™t do ugc. they wouldnā€™t profit.

Very true, Iā€™ve bought many ugc giftboxes from Fort Yolkshire some of which are from good friends of mine. This whole 100rbx per fiasco is very unfortunate because if they are not able to provide it will look bad on them while this isnā€™t their fault. its absurdā€¦

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I have put my feelings of these revelations into a song. Enjoy <3