Opinions on my first Blender 2.8 model!

Blender 2.8’s real-time rendering engine is amazing! But, the new update also allows for some cool modifications of the UI systems. Anyways, I was excited to learn the new mechanics, and get back into 3D modelling in Blender. So, I made this:

I created a cool Sword! What do you think?


ugly, but im sure it will get better! no it wont actually sorry

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I’m not a modeler, but I think it’s looks alright. Nice job! :smiley:

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Looks decent for a first, but make sure to work on the handle to me it doesn’t look right.

I agree with nano, handle looks very blocky, why are you so bad at everything?

I just made the blade a bit longer, and it improved the look of everything! There is always space for improvement.


You should edit that into the post instead of posting it as a reply. But yeah, that’s much better.

Nice work! I quite like the model’s cartoony art style. I also agree with @Minstrix that the longer blade looks a lot better.

As @21stPsalm and @HabibiBean have already touched on, if I were to offer any suggestions, I’d suggest adjusting the handle a little to help match the style and proportions of the rest of the model. I think the extrusions on the handle are just a bit too exaggerated but that could be personal preference.

Suggestions aside, I’d love to hear more about your experience with Blender 2.8. Were there any new tools/mechanics that you found particularly useful in creating this model?

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Of course! Blender 2.8 is much more use friendly; the side bar as well as all of the new gizmos help user’s who aren’t used to all of Blender’s complicated menus and hotkeys. The real-time rendering engine also helps users see what the end product will look like instead of waiting forever for your scene to render.

I actually went a step further and made it a tool!

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I would make the tip of the blade sharper. It looks dull. I would make the blade slowly get smaller until the tip where it’s the sharpest.

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Looks amazing! I end up sticking with roblox studio for my builds. xD

Looks fantastic! Maybe make the handle a little bit skinnier, looks too big, but it looks good so far, keep it up!

As a blender model it looks good but the style could use some work.

  • Bless Blocky Handel and Guard
  • A longer Handel
  • Beveled/Downward Slope looks on the blade like the following

The handle is weird, Otherwise it looks like the default Sword-Fighting sword… Texture it and it would look really nice, though you could make it longer and sharper-looking :slight_smile:. Good job buddy :yum:

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As @Strongjohnfgamer said, the beveled slope would be really cool, you could easily make it look like a medieval-type long sword :slight_smile:

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Yeah pretty good for a first try.