How do you think this hotel exterior looks? Is there anything I can add or change?
Please let me know! Constructive criticism and any feedback are greatly appreciated!
(please note, the interior isn’t complete, neither is the back of the hotel - just the front and the main building).
I think your hotel exterior looks really nice but I have some suggestions for this exterior eventhough it is impressive.
This map is nice in every way including meshes and details but I think it looks kinda empty. I think you should place some rocks near the trees and you can make a dock over the sea. Everything except this is really impressive. I’d be able to help you more if you provided me a link to the building.
Hello! I love this Hotel Exterior! It’s looking amazing! I do have a few suggestions for you, which could brighten up this build a little but.
More Tree Variety
As of right now, it looks like you only have 1 tree style, a Palm Tree. I believe if you add some more trees, it’d really brighten up the build.
Add Mini Balconies
You should totally add some small balconies to the build! I believe this would be good for exterior - and more pleasing for the guests that come!
Grass Colours
As I see, you only use 1 grass color, which is a bit bland. You should have multiple grass colors, such as green, light green, etc.
More Entrance Detail
You should add some more details to the entrance, maybe a water fountain or even some benches would do.
More Color Variety
I believe there should be more color variety for the building itself.
Change the color of that, to maybe white. But not all of them! Maybe do some pattern with it.
Overall, the build is amazing! I enjoyed quite a lot of the aspects! I believe if you implement some of my suggestions, it’d be even better!
The hotel exterior looks really good, like all the different details you added to it here is a few things to add.
My Suggestions
Your hotel is good, but you should add some more trees on the terrain. Part as i can see there is only a couple of them there, and i would add little rocks more grass/bushes to fill up the terrain a bit more. Also you could add some more of those little trees on the walkway part so it could look! more better…
The beach looks a little to small, i would suggest you scale it more out and add some more beach area on the corner sides as seen below. You could add different colored chairs and maybe some beach balls/sand bucket/shovel etc. Also bring the sand a bit more up so the dirt part wont be showing!!
The walk way looks a little plain i would recommend you. Add some benches on the walkway area part and maybe add a trash can, to it and you could add different style of trees next to the hotel overall the hotel looks quite good. I would just add some more lights to the front of the hotel…!
The build looks very amazing hope to see the final product soon. Keep up the good work man!!
The exterior of the hotel and map is great. I love your building style. I just realized that the shape of the building might not be efficient to put hotel rooms in, put hopefully you find a way!
The exterior sure does look nice, but I would also recommend adding some balconies to some rooms. Also, I would suggest making the colour of the window surrounding more alike the main building,
Looks really nice! In my personal opinion I would recommend the surrounding area around the hotel to look more lively like have more trees, a bigger beach, and maybe a fountain in front of the hotel.
This hotel is extemely vibrant and feels like it as well! The meshes and stuff used are very properly placed i’d say. Very nice.
What i would prefer:
A more better beach area and less emptiness on the ground will help quite a lot.
Jetskies and boats on the water.
Some background larger island with many palm trees to signify that the hotel isn’t on a random floating island on the vast ocean