Option to play game without automatically joining friends

As a Roblox Player, it is currently impossible to join a game without joining the server your friend is playing.

This is very annoying when playing a game, it makes you join your friends server unintentionally. I believe there should be a option to either, join a friend or separate server.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to enjoy playing my game and I know many people who would like this change who have multiple times, joined a friend unintentionally just because they were playing that game.

It would be much more annoying to remove a friend just because you can’t join a game because you friend is playing. The best choice would to have a separate join button.

Most new people probably met a new friend on Roblox but, if they unfriended them just so they wouldn’t join them would be bad because, they are new and don’t have a idea how it worked before.


I’d say this is slight exaggeration. Just scroll down to the servers - the ones your friends are in are highlighted at the top, so just pick any other. It’s not as quick, but it’s hardly impossible.

The majority of Roblox players probably want to play with their friends - it seems strange to have a friend list full of people you want to actively avoid - so I think the usage of such button would be low enough that it’s not worth the extra confusion and the extra space needed.

For the edge cases where you don’t like you friends, just select a different server.


Adding on to BanTech

Do not start your topic for feature X with “As a developer, it is impossible to do X.”, as that is not the correct way to do it. This sentence should explain succinctly what your development issue is, not just that you don’t yet have the feature you are requesting, as the latter is obvious.

From: How to post a Feature Request

Also there’s a similar post to yours:


One thing worth mentioning tho is unless you have a 3rd party extension you’re taking a gamble at how good your connection will be in that server since you could be joining servers located countries away


An alternative to this is to have an alternate account and joining it will join the most optimal server in terms of network. You can also avoid friending this alternate account. Use Bloxstrap and copy the invite deeplink.

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I don’t think this should be a separate button which would just cause unwanted confusion for most players(who don’t need this).

But, I think it could easily be integrated into the ‘allow friends to join’ setting. So when allow friends to join is OFF then joining game ‘with friends’ would also be OFF.


There’s a popular game that many of my friends are currently playing.

Every time I join, I get put into their servers.

The servers they’re playing on are in a completely different region. I am getting 800-1000ms latency consistently. The game is literally unplayable, as I can’t use any of the tools.

Joining the same game when my friends are not online, I’m placed in regional servers with sub 100ms latency, and my experience is flawless.

You can now filter by available servers, however this is not filtered by region, so I am facing the exact same issue with latency.

Playing server roulette like that is not a valid option.

Please give us an option to disable joining unless I explicitly follow them, to prioritise region, or consider that if I rejoin the same game 10 times in a row, I probably want a different server.


I’ve also noticed this, even if we have the ability to shuffle through servers, if I am on the go, joining a server is like flipping a coin whether I get a good connection, and that’s not even factoring if I am trying to join a different server from my friends.

Hope they fix this sooner or later.

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