This post includes the patch notes for the Ore Tycoon 2 5th Birthday Pre-Celebration Update, and all non-major updates afterwards.
The Ore Tycoon series is now FIVE YEARS OLD!!! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported both the original game and Ore Tycoon 2 for the past years! We’re sorry that we didn’t get to release the grand event update today, but we promise that the grandest celebration is brewing up and will hopefully release at Ore Tycoon 2’s 2nd Birthday at December 11, 2019!
- The Developer Gift has finally opened to reveal… the Piano Mine! 'Cause we know you’d walk a thousand miles just to play Ore Tycoon 2
(Only available in new servers!)
- Moderator and Community Gifts will open soon!
- Added the Mysterious Gift of Free, which you can purchase for free in the Tycoon Bux Catalog!
- A CODE!!! Redeem “TWENTYFIVEMILLIONEPICNESS” for 10k Tycoon Bux!
Changes & Improvements
- Gift Launchers are now unequippable
- Gift Launchers will no longer award the Gift Achievements and Items
- Lowered Broadcast Costs down to 3.5k from 5k Tycoon Bux!
- Increased Broadcast Max Length from 100 to 140 characters!
- Reduced UI Size
- Buffed Blizzard Blade’s lunge slowing ability by -2 speed
- Buttons are no longer collidable
- Fixed issue where owning the 25M xMythical Mine won’t trigger the appearance of the Premium District button, making the mine unpurchaseable if it’s the only mine you have
- Fixed issue where players with the Levitation Pack cannot touch the buttons
- Fixed issue where the Feedback System sometimes cannot be used by Tablet and Mobile players
- Fixed issue where the game won’t set your See Broadcasts setting to what it was before you left
Dev Note: Once again, I’m sorry for the lack of updates and activity! My schedule has been hectic and lately I’ve not had enough time to work for the game’s 5th Birthday update. I really hope I’ll be able to work out my schedule and push the Grand Celebration Event for the 5th Birthday by December 11th, the day Ore Tycoon 2 was released two years ago!
Thank you for your understanding.
Best Wishes,
Update 191017b
- Fixed issue where Piano Mine cannot be equipped
Update 191017c
- Fixed issue where the game takes more cash than needed for buying tycoon items
- Fixed issue where the Unexpected Encounter will not be awarded to you when you join a server with a PlantStudios Moderator if someone left the game
Update 191130a
- Black Friday Sale!!! Purchase Tycoon Bux and Game Passes for up to 80% OFF, and get the returning Game Passes from 2018 before they’re gone!
- Tons of Mythicals, xMythicals, and retired items are now back in the Tycoon Bux Catalog, together with a new exclusive Black Friday 2019 item! Get them now before they’re gone!
- Some of the retired Mythicals and xMythicals are now back on the Mystery Bags as items in the xMythical Tier!
- xMythical Chance has been buffed by a little.
- Left Side Buttons are now a lot smaller
- Buffed Piano Mine speed
- Fixed Bagpocalypse Summoner
Update 191202a
- Dev Note: Happy December!!!
- More items have returned or are available for a discounted price in the Black Friday Sale in the Tycoon Bux Catalog! Check it out!
- Fixed Anansi’s Fang and Skeleton Foam Finger not being labeled as part of the Black Friday Sale
- Fixed Darkheart not being in the boxes
- Internal: Removed usage of LoadLibrary & RbxUtility in gear scripts in preparation of its removal in Dec 4, 2019. This also optimizes the said gear.
- Optimized some gear
Update 191202b
- Fixed an error with Flying Reindeer introduced in the last update
Update 191204a
- Winter has finally arrived in Tycoon Island!!!
- All Black Friday deals are now off. Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Black Friday Sale, which is the biggest one yet!
- 2018 Items have returned, including a Mythical, for the entirety of December! Check it out now in the Tycoon Bux Catalog!
- DISCLAIMER: The Flying Reindeer Mythical is NOT in the boxes.
- Retired numerous PlantStudios Month codes and other outdated codes, and introduced new ones, such as “HAPPYDECEMBER”!
- The 25 Million Visits Party xMythicals have been retired. The Blizzard Blade is now returning on boxes as an xMythical!
- Retired the 25 Million Visits Party Legendaries. The RO-Bar and the Snowy Gravity Coil are taking their places instead!
- Retired the 25M Diamond Hat Mythical.
- xMythical and Mythical chances were reverted to their pre-Black Friday chances.
- 25 Mil Party! Hat, Chat Tag, and Achievement will no longer be given to new players
Update 191204b
- FIxed issue with Flying Reindeer
- Lowered price of Flying Reindeer from 1,000,000 Tycoon Bux to 825,000 Tycoon Bux
Update 191204c
- Fixed issue breaking a few of tools in-game. Thanks to VaalArc for reporting this bug!
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Succeeding Update: Ore Tycoon 2 | End of Decade / Holidays 2019 Event / January 2020 Update Patch Notes
Preceding Update: Mid-August Update + 25 Million Visits Party Event Patch Notes