This post includes the patch notes for the Ore Tycoon 2 Spring 2020 Update, and will also include all non-major update patch notes afterwards.
Thank you to everyone for keeping their patience despite the three-month-long update drought! This update finally brings an end to the big Holidays 2019 event.
This update also marks the launch of Ore Tycoon 2’s new logo, made by Younite! Go check him out and his other amazing works!
Spring has finally arrived in Ore Tycoon 2! Goodbye snow & snowmen…
The lighting has been updated to utilize the new Future Is Bright features!
Holidays 2019 has finally ended. Check out your inventory for awesome items!
- The Mobile Gift of Vroom-vroom has opened to reveal the Festive Roped!
- The Throwback Gift of the Seasons has opened to reveal the Reminiscer Chat Tag!
- The Jolly Gift of the Giftgiving Winters has opened to reveal the Portable Snow Fort! The snowball war fun never ends
- The Resilient Gift of Surprise has opened to reveal the Snowy Helmet! How cool!
- The Frozen Gift of Five Year Memories has opened to reveal the Frozen Crown of Five Year Memories! Let everyone know you’re the King / Queen of solving puzzles.
- The 8-bit Gift of Retro has opened to reveal the 8-bit Teal Top Hat! Nothing could get more retro than this
- The Gold-laced Gift of Skybreak has opened to reveal the Golden Gravity Coil! Now, nothing could stop you from reaching the skies.
- The PlantStudios Community Christmas Gift 2019 has opened to reveal… a secret! Play Ore Tycoon 2 now to see what it opened to! We promise you, the item is not plain and boring
- The plaYful gift of staff has opened to reveal… the Y-Pose Emote! \O/
- The Mobile Gift of Vroom-vroom has opened to reveal the Festive Roped!
You may now reset your progress again! The ability to reset your progress is only available at Level 25.
Added a new achievement: Back at Ore One (Ruby), obtained for resetting your progress at Level 25+.
- Brought back a few items that can now be purchased in the Tycoon Bux Catalog!
- New Mythicals have been added! Introducing the Spring Saber and the Flower Crossbow.
- A NEW xMYTHICAL HAS BEEN ADDED! Test your luck and open Mystery Bags… Maybe you’ll find the Golden Sword of Spring Growth—a sword powered by the pure and raw power of the Spring season, capable of healing its wielder—inside!
The gifts from PlantStudios 4th Anniversary have opened! Check out your inventory!
- The Community Gift has opened to reveal the Pizza Mine! It will replace your first Copper Mine. Yum!
- The Moderator Gift has been opened to reveal… the Mystery PlantStudios Bloxikin! What PlantStudios Staff Bloxikin did you get? Let us know by tweeting at us @ PlantStudiosRBX!
- DISCLAIMER: Your Bloxikin will not change forms. Ever. Rejoining and resetting won’t make you get another one!
- Of course, NEW CODES HAVE BEEN ADDED! Redeem the code “SPRING2020” for Tycoon Bux!
Changes & Improvements
- Changed how the 25M Degree Burner works! It should now work more like a real flamethrower. It will be easier to use now.
- Nerfed 25M Degree Burner max ammo from 100 to 50
- Nerfed 25M Degree Burner reload time from 3s to 5s
- 25M Degree Burner now leaves the player charred
- Nerfed Icedagger (Freeze is now only triggered if the icedagger is lunging and the opponent is at <80% health)
- All system bans are now enforced in real time and broadcasted across all servers.
- Ban message format now consistent with Dev Announcements
- Unbanned players will now be broadcasted across all servers.
- Plant Train Spawner should now look better on Solo Mode
- The game will now include people with forcefields as people that cannot be damaged (Related to Icedagger freezing FF’d people)
- The game will also show a different warning message for people trying to fight forcefielded people
- Day-night cycle is now shorter (14 minutes → 10 minutes)
- Ocean floor now looks endless. Beware, at some point you’ll still fall right through the ocean floor!
- Fixed Icedagger’s Freezing Ability being instakill
- Fixed Icedagger freezing forcefielded people
- Fixed issue where the player does not show up on the leaderboard, only the Refinery team
- Fixed leaderboard issue where the names of players that joined after you did are not displayed
- Fixed issue where you cannot scroll in the Premium > Boosts frame.
- Fixed theoretical issue where players w/ atomic bag can go in gap of Overprotective owner door skin in rooftop
- Fixed unbans not being enforced across all servers in real time.
- Fixed Dominus Textor being collidable and not being massless
- Fixed inconsistent Celestial Dropper collisions
- Fixed issue where unequipping Piano Mine/Booster Scooter from the Tycoon Bux inventory while being equipped causes you to be stuck moving to one direction as if you were still using the item
- Fixed nothing, but here’s a code for you, dear reader of our patch notes! “IReadDaPatchNotes”, first 20 only!
- Fixed the Close Button for Research Level Up screen being selected as if a controller was connected, even if there is none
- Fixed research tab hotkey not working when you first unlock the tab during gameplay without opening any other menu
- Fixed graphical issue with the close button when researching for the first time in a session
- Internal fixes
- The Winter sale has ended.
- Retired the Icedagger, the 25M Degree Burner, and the Emerald Blaster XXV.
- Removed the snowmen
- Removed 2019 Holiday Gifts
Update 200331b-d
- Emergency bugfix — fixed issue where anti-cheat bans people who rent items / buy boosts from the Tycoon Bux Catalog
- Apology Week has commenced—we’re giving everyone who plays from today until April 7th a FREE chat icon commemorating this mess, and 20k Tycoon Bux. We’re sorry for the 40 minute shutdown immediately after the launch!
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Check out previous patch notes:
Ore Tycoon 2 | End of Decade / Holidays 2019 Event / January 2020 Update Patch Notes
Ore Tycoon 2 | 5th Birthday Pre-Celebration Update Patch Notes
Ore Tycoon 2 | Mid-August Update + 25 Million Visits Party Event Patch Notes
Ore Tycoon 2 | Research & Achievements Update + PlantStudios 4 Year Anniversary Event Update Patch Notes