[OS Game] Ruddev's Battle Royale Open Sourced

I suggest looking at Player | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
and Humanoid | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub and Model | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. If you don’t understand the functions and events, I suggest you maybe build up your scripting knowledge first and then look at these links.

I have already tried LoadCharacter previously and that broke a few scripts inside the game - However I was able to get hold of x_o and asked about this, he has guided to to disabling a script responsible for the ‘inability’ to respawn after death as this was intended for their game.

Anyone else having an issue with getting a 400 error when using main menu to join a match


Have you enabled HTTPService?

First thing i checked and tried turning it on and off. But it still dont work


Same thing is happening to me.

I don’t know if it is to late, but you need to enable http service and make the main game a place of the lobby. This might explain it better

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you mind explaining it to me I just can’t figure it out

Ok so, you need to have the plugin noob animation suite downloaded, once you do that, click the rig with the plugin and the animations should pop up! Watch what this person does:


Thank you man I think I get it now

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Ah thanks will try it now and will get back to you on if it works.

Edit: Can confirm that it now fully works


How i can make a minimap work on another place? i want to make one similar to it

Thank you for this, people who are new to game development can now make something of their own, im currently doing a major change on ui, guns, and more, so I have something to learn and profit off of while i make even better games. :slight_smile:

i turned on http servie, but it still wont work…

30 charssssssssssssssss

There’s a second one, moon animation suite 2:

I couldnt open them with the second, had trouble finding out how, so just downloaded the first one too and used it

How i can change the places settings?

What? Do you mean edit the settings, just copy the game and publish it your account

yes ik, but I mean how do you set up the places to teleport me