I’m currently trying to recreate a popular game called Outfit Loader. I ahve the base for it which loads the players outfits using Outfit Loader - How I learned HTTPService better, but I want it so people can buy the items that the outfit is wearing, instead of just putting the items on the players character.
Example of what I want
Example of my game
Any help is appreciated, I’m new to scripting and don’t understand heaps, so please bare with me and try explain to a point which I can understand.
I am informed on the MarketPlaceService and Prompting Purchases, but what I’m wanting is to show the items from the outfit, then put it on a GUI in which I can click to purchase them.
Is there a way I get the accessories from the loaded outfit and put it in a Viewport frame? Here is an example of the part that puts on the accessories from the outfit:
local s, x = pcall(function()
local desc = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()
local chr = plr.Character
if desc and chr then