Outfit Mannequin [Buy + Try On] [Supports accessories!]

Outfit Mannequin

This easy to implement outfit mannequin uses a UI to prompt players to buy or try on a piece of clothing, an accessory, or a face.

Get the mannequin here

How to use

Inside of workspace you will find a dummy. Find the dummy’s humanoid, and then a script called “Description”. This is where you will edit which items go onto the mannequin.


Open the script and you will find a section with item IDs. For accessories, separate IDs using a comma, otherwise the mannequin won’t work.


Make sure that you have all components in the correct spots in your explorer tab.
Dummies should be in workspace, productList remote should be in ReplicatedStorage, TryOn script should be in ServerScriptService, and ItemList UI should be in StarterGui.

Now you should have your mannequin set up! You can easily change the mannequin’s clothes and accessories, and easily add more mannequins (Just copy and paste!)


Could be good and useful to save time creating a cool game to try or buy outfits. Nice.


it not open source… i noticed it dont have 3 dots on top right


Should now be open sourced. Thanks for letting me know.

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Really enjoy this! How would I make this layered clothing accessible such as jackets,dresses,etc?

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I’m going to be looking into implementing layered clothing. Thanks for the suggestion!


Anything yet? I’ve been using more of the model and am enjoying it still, working great!

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