Output spammed with "Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID" for ID's that aren't in the game upon startup

Last reply to this thread was 3 days. Did you all resolve? We did not. We’re getting same errors now and our toolbox no longer list group owned animations.

Did anyone try just adding a number to the front so that when it gets deleted you have the correct id?

I too have this issue. I’m working with axe animation.

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This error is still happening to me. I hope roblox fixes this soon.

This is actually really annoying but I was able to work around it by just overwriting an old animation of mine and then it wouldn’t affect anything. Really weird bug only seems to affect the newer animations and it could break a bunch of games like what others have stated regarding the topic


This bug is really annoying but I was told by a fellow dev that if the game is published it will work but if the game is private it won’t (although I did not test this so I don’t know if its true, I hope it is but its probably not

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


It’s been going on a lot recently, can’t publish changes because the animations aren’t correct / sanitized
I appreciate the staff looking into this, thank you <3

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Bumping this thread, i am experiencing the same thing ten days later. Had one of my friends upload some animationobjects that I sent to him. He uploaded the animations it to his profile so he could use it in his own game. The error is still happening.

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This issue is currently blocking some progress on a Game Fund project, as a few of our newer animations are suffering from this error.

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It’s also stopping us from updating our game- we can’t move forwards and it’s been almost a whole month of this bug creating issues. They really need to fix it asap.

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Does it work if the game is published or not? I want to know before I publish my own game

My group’s game is published, but it runs into errors really everywhere, published or unpublished.

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We’ve found the cause of this bug - as some here have discovered, the error message was truncating the first number of the asset ID in the message. For some context, this is a relatively new error message that we added because we previously didn’t have a default error message for when animations fail to load. No changes have been made to how animations are loaded; the error message has just been displaying an incorrect asset ID. This issue should now be fixed in Roblox Player/Studio version 595 and later.
I apologize for all the confusion caused by this bug, and thank you for reporting.


I’m still getting this issue.

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Still occurring for me. Trying to play an idle animation from a Roblox animation bundle on an NPC.

Failed to load animation - sanitized ID: rbxassetid://837011741

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Strange, I have this issue when I test my animation on studio, It works just fine, but when I test my animation in-game, It just shows the error Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID.


The bug in the original post seems to be that the asset ID displayed in the error message doesn’t exist in the game - this issue should now be fixed.
This error message as a whole is a new one we added a few weeks ago, whereas in the past, users often wouldn’t have any indication when animations failed to load. If you believe that another recent change on our part has been causing animations to fail to load more often, could you file a separate report? Thank you!


Thanks, what does sanitized ID mean? I think this adds to confusion. What has been sanitized? What does that mean? How does a sanitized ID differ from a ‘normal’ animation ID?


The asset ID is “cleaned up” right before the error message is logged to be more readable and to prevent any sensitive information from accidentally being shown. In most cases, the sanitized ID should be the same as the asset ID. If the asset ID was invalid, an error message may be shown instead or invalid characters may be removed. Sorry for the lack of clarity on this part