Output spammed with "Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID" for ID's that aren't in the game upon startup

Going to give this a try to see if it’s fixed on my part

Still having this issue on my end.

rbxassetid://0 does look strange. Would you happen to have a place file or code snippet to reproduce this on? I’d appreciate if you could upload one or send through private message. Thanks!

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same here

Pretty sure this isnt a bug anymore. It used to show you just “Failed to load animation”, which wasnt very helpful, and now its replaced with that error message so you know which animation isnt loading.

that doesn’t really explain why the animation isn’t loading though

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Yeah I’m experiencing the same issue.

When I put just a number of animationId into the field in properties it transforms to rbxassetid://11444443576 which leads to “Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID” error. But after I manually change the ID to http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=xxx it starts working.


My bad, this solution doesn’t work with animations from marketplace. For this reason, you need to download animation into the Studio and take actual animation id.

Execute this script in the studio:

local assetId = 5917570207
local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")
local model = InsertService:LoadAsset(assetId)
model.Parent = workspace
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Still experiencing issues in my game where animations fail to load. Lots of mechanics in my game rely on the KeyframeReached event, which can’t fire if you don’t load the animation for me. Any news on this problem??

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Has this Issue been fix for anyone, because I am still experiencing the same thing where the animations fail to load. This is a major Issue for me as my game mostly depends on animations, for it to look good.


not working. i keep getting " Asset is not trusted for this place "

I started to create new animations today but cannot see them in “My Inventory” under “Animations”.

This issue started happening today, last week I could create animations just fine.

No matter what animation I attempt to publish to Roblox, it’s not being created which I’m assuming is causing the “Failed to load animation - sanitized ID” error for me.

Examples -

fire_buff_ability_1 being uploaded twice.

No fire_buff_ability_1 being displayed here.

Is this happening to anyone else?

I don’t want to be rude but, please fix it fast.

I have some issues, when i upload my animation to my inventory, it don’t show in “My Animations” tab. but if i lookup in the Dashboard website it show up. but after i copy the ID link, the animation don’t even load.


It exists but… it don’t load? It would nice if any Roblox Staff reply about this issue. i can’t really develop easy.

There should be a function to publish the animations to the marketplace.

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Still having this issue. Animations can take anywhere from 1-2 hours before they stop showing an error message from being played. And during those first hours, they also don’t appear in your inventory at all.

The only solution I’ve found so far is waiting a long period of time and then they magically work again, making testing updates in real time very difficult. Are there any plans to fix this yet???

EDIT; Seems to have resolved itself recently or at least isn’t taking as long to properly be played? Who knows!


I have met this issue also, while I may find the resolution. I met the issue if using Curve Editor to set some special ‘Constant’ Interpolation frames. After I set those frames to normal ‘Linear’ Interpo, the bug fixes.

I was getting this issue before, but now Instead of it only happening in Roblox Studio, I play OTHER people’s games and get left confused by the fact that everything is grey, people are missing body parts and images are not appearing then I see this error pop up a hundred times in the developer console. This NEEDS to get fixed immediately

This is what it looks like in untitled boxing game

Got this issue on roblox studio 0.602.0.6020632. I cant play any of my recently created animations, all of them made and published on Studio. The only way to make it work that i found out for me, is rewriting an animation that was working before this Sanitized IDs issue started. Also, this issue where people can just F9 and get the original animation IDs from others creators, wich is a huge problem if someone malicious use some source of animation stealer etc to remake or steal the content. Hope roblox fix it quickly its slowing down me and many creators.

This just happened last night with my game, as well. I started getting these errors out of the blue, even though I haven’t touched the animations in a while.

I’m hoping this is just a bug on Roblox’s end, and that it gets fixed soon, because having to have to fix dozens of animations would completely halt development of the game. It makes any code that relies on Animation Events completely unusable.