Over 50% drop in FPS

In a game im working on for a commission (i was hired to fix the lag btw) when a game starts you get put into a arena etc… but the FPS drops from around 100~ to 20-25 constant until the game ends.

Ive ran as many checks as i can to find out what is causing the lag but i am unable to find the cause.
What i have found is the following:


IN GAME (ALL) Wide View


Any help is appreciated
Ive also ran the script profiler and cleared out anything thats using a ton of % but still nothing.

From my assumption its something to do with the “task” side of things, but i cant find much.

that may be an unoptimized mesh/builds that have alot of triangles/drawcalls
click ctrl+shift+f2 and check if those numbers are high

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Micro Profiler is good but sometimes it doesn’t help, you should use memory section in console and luau heap too, also the most usefull methood is to look for loops/complex functions connected to run service or heavy math, those elements are always laggy


Ive narrowed out the map earlier, it isnt map related itself, ive dropped my player into the map and my fps stays the same


Heres what i can see mid match
(edit dropped after a second)
(edit 2 beofre a match (main lobby))

1000 draw calls is really high in your third image. Maybe this is an issue with the map.

This guide could be of help:

Also, try enabling occlusion culling in Studio beta features.

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