Oversized items came back

I hope the method of making those accessories will be patched :pray:

I dont care about items made with this method, im looking for method of making those accessories to be fixed as soon as possible since it is more risky that it seem to be.

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Hello, is there any news regarding the bug?

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Maybe the recent changes prevent these types of accessories from being uploaded?

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Nope, its only related to Layered Clothing category, not simple items such as Back and Face accessories

Method have been found now by UGC creators such as infchris, so Roblox should just fix it soon, since there are tons of people who would use this method for bad intentions.


Also in addition, the bug have been found by other people because of Roblox Layered Clothing update they made related to automatic caging .

Because of that they can’t make handled UGC items using Layered Clothing, and now they are forced to make handled items only using the bug that were found by me, simply because its the only solution.

Technically they dig a hole for themselves accidentally

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Any news man?

Its been almost a month since i made this report and its not fixed yet
I understand that fixing some stuff takes time and such but why does it take so much to just add a requirement that were supposed to be added along with introducing Layered Clothing back in 2021-22?

Just add a new requirement for UGC approving process, that could stop making big and buggy items, it got so much out of hands since i made the report, that even Flamingo also known as @mrflimflam that is very known Roblox YouTuber that also has 10+ million subscribers also made one

Item below is deleted now.

This has been already posted. .

My post is made in 2 February 2025
Your post is made today (22 February 2025)


This post was not sent Feb 2???

Also, your post doesn’t show sufficient information for reproduction. Engineers have already fixed this issue, but it hasn’t been released yet.

What are you talking about

You’re not even getting any answers from staff, I wonder why. This post has already been fixed by the engineers and I am waiting for them to publish these fixes. Your post didn’t show how people were using the UGC for disruptive purposes which the one flamingo did showed. So, I made a post for it and It’s getting more attention.

First off, this isn’t even my bug report :pray: :sob:
And secondly you could just comment under the already existing bug report. Also if you only report bugs for attention you need to stop

Reporting bugs for attention for Roblox Staff to see them is bad?

“Attention” doesn’t matter to staff, they review most of the bug reports, even the unpopular ones

Attention and popularity makes it more seen and more urgent in the case of UGC being giant.

Hi all, thanks for your continued reports. The validation team is aware of this issue, and we have a patch rolling out in upcoming releases. We are monitoring these types of assets and will moderate disruptive assets.

Enjoy your weekends, and thanks again for your patience.


Thanks fulltime_robloxian!!! This was going to become a big issue.

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