Oversized items came back



Some catalog items are big again, but they use a new method. They only show in R15, and if needed, they can also work with dynamic faces.

One of examples:

?? - Roblox ( use with any dynamic head )

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Equip a big item from the catalog in the Avatar Editor.
  2. Make sure your avatar is set to R15.
  3. Join a game and check how the item looks.
  4. (Optional) Try using a dynamic face to see if it works.

Expected Behavior

These items should follow normal size limits or work as intended.

Actual Behavior

The items appear oversized in R15 and may behave differently, especially with dynamic faces.

Reproduction Rate

Always (for R15 avatars).

Device & Browser Info

  • Platform: PC, Mobile
  • Operating System: (Windows, iOS, etc.)
  • Browser: (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.)
  • Roblox Version: (If known)

Additional Information

  • Screenshots/videos/links can help show the issue
  • Videos will be added soon

Expected behavior

Expected Behavior

These items should follow normal size limits or work as intended.

Actual Behavior

The items appear oversized in R15 and may behave differently, especially with dynamic faces.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


I hope the method of making those accessories will be patched :pray:

I dont care about items made with this method, im looking for method of making those accessories to be fixed as soon as possible since it is more risky that it seem to be.

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Hello, is there any news regarding the bug?

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Maybe the recent changes prevent these types of accessories from being uploaded?

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Nope, its only related to Layered Clothing category, not simple items such as Back and Face accessories

Method have been found now by UGC creators such as infchris, so Roblox should just fix it soon, since there are tons of people who would use this method for bad intentions.


Also in addition, the bug have been found by other people because of Roblox Layered Clothing update they made related to automatic caging .

Because of that they can’t make handled UGC items using Layered Clothing, and now they are forced to make handled items only using the bug that were found by me, simply because its the only solution.

Technically they dig a hole for themselves accidentally

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