Rank Descriptions
Valued Customer
Valued Customers are users who just joined the group. They usually visit all of our establishments, mostly the cinema. Valued Customers have the opportunity to get an employment position.
Honoured Customer
The “Honoured Customer” rank is reserved for former executives & senior executives, and people who have contributed in our company.
Business Respresentative
The “Business Representative” rank is reserved for Pathé Cinemas affiliation’s representatives.
Trainees are Valued Customers who have passed an interview. They must go through a training session to become an official staff member. You can also skip the training process and become a staff member by buying the “Skip Trainings” game pass. Once purchased, contact a Coordinator+ to rank you.
Janitors are the staff members who ensure the cinema is clean. They clean our cinema rooms after movies have been played and other areas which could get dirty.
Baristas are in charge of providing our customers delicious food. They serve food right next to the registering area.
Cashiers operate at the registering area. Their job entails to provide our customers movie tickets and answer all the questions regarding our company they may have.
Leading Employee
Leading Employees are staff members who have accumulated 1,650 staff points and were given a promotion. They must answer Customers and their peers questions and concerns, as they act as a “leader” for the rest of the low-ranked employees. Leading Employees have the chance to become a Staff Intern.
Staff Intern
Staff Interns are users who have passed the first stage of the staff internship programme, and have acquired this role for doing so. Staff Interns will keep with this role during the whole internship programme. Once upon completing the programme, they will receive the Supervisor role or either the rank they had before applying; the Leading Employee role.
Interns have to attend classes hosted by their instructors, they are allowed to attend sessions once given permission from their instructor and they have to regularly help LRs and supervise the cinema, with admin or without it. They must always report their doubts to their instructor.
The “Supervisor” role is the first management rank. They are Staff Interns that passed the staff internship programme. Their tasks are to supervise the cinema, attend sessions, communicate in our Discord server and help out other staff members.
Shift Manager
Shift Managers are Supervisors who went above and beyond in their line of work and have been promoted to Shift Manager because of this. Their job entails hosting shifts, attending interview and training sessions, supervising the cinema, communicating in our Discord server and helping out low ranks.
Senior Manager
Senior Managers are Shift Managers who have been promoted for doing an outstanding job as a Manager. The Senior Manager role is the first rank in our Senior Management Team. They have the same tasks as Managers. However, they also have to post QOTDs, assist in our Discord server support tickets and host sessions’ second servers.
Coordinators are the highest rank in our management & senior management branch. They have been promoted from Senior Manager for being brilliant and outstanding in their job. Coordinators have a lot of knowledge of the cinema community, and they should be able to answer most of their management peers questions. Coordinators have a variety of new tasks, which are hosting sessions, hosting community events and being eligible to become an instructor for staff internship programmes.
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistants are people who have been in the Pathé Cinemas community for a very long time and know almost everything about Pathé Cinemas and its operations as a company. They are former Coordinators who have gone so above and beyond in their work and have an extreme dedication to the company. Coordinators might be selected to join an extraordinary executive internship programme in order to prepare them for the Executive Assistant role. Moreover, Executive Assistants automatically join a department once they get promoted. Lastly, Executive Assistants tasks entails to supervise sessions and assist management staff.
Community Developer
The rank “Community Developer” is reserved for builders, scripters, GFX artists and clothing designers. They obtain this role during their period as developers. Afterwards, if everything went as planned, they would obtain the “Honoured Customer” rank.
Chief Executives
Chief Executives are Executive Assistants who have been promoted to one of our departmental leading positions. Chief Executives are the leaders of our departments, and they must be very active and dedicated to our company. Our three chief executive ranks are Chief Public Relations Officer, Chief Moderation Officer and Chief Human Resources Officer.
Managing Director
Managing Directors are former department chiefs who have been promoted due to going extra far in their department, helping the Senior Executive Management Team and doing anything truthfully for Pathé Cinemas. They have authority over all the executives, managers and low-ranked employees. Their tasks & responsibilities entail to give feedback about our company’s weekly operations, write weekly reports regarding our executives, host weekly executive meetings and manage executive resignations. They also manage our weekly sessions schedule.
Vice President
The Pathé Cinemas Vice President is the second-in-command staff member in our company. They are the Co-Owner of Pathé Cinemas, and have authority over the whole company. They manage the Senior Executive Management Team alongside the Pathé Cinemas President.
The President is the owner and founder of Pathé Cinemas. He has authority over all the company. He usually manages development section of the hospital community. Whenever you see them, make sure to show a lot of respect.
Department Descriptions
Public Relations Department
The Public Relations Department is in charge of managing the business internal and external side of Barcelona General Hospital. They are to ensure all affiliations of Pathé Cinemas are satisfied, and are always looking for potential new partners. They must always be aware of when an affiliation is in the process of an event and must be ready to announce it. They are also in charge of hosting major events for our community and ensuring General Managers are hosting community events regularly.
Moderation Department
The Moderation Department is in charge of the safety of the hospital community and its establishments. Their job entails to hire new Probationary Moderators and ensuring the moderation internship programme is running smoothly. They also ensure all of our moderators are performing their duties correctly and accordingly to our guidelines. Executives of moderation can also promote hard-working moderators to their next rank.
Human Resources Department
The Human Resources Department is charged with the task of managing our Management Team & Senior Management Team. They ensure all of them are performing their duties correctly, and promote those who are extremely active and dedicated. They are also in charge of the staff internship programme.