Pablo’s Security Team Handbook


Pablo’s Security Team members are specially trained by the Head of Security and their high ranks, who undergo a different type of procedure than other staff members. Security staff members are responsible for making sure all customers are following Pablo’s rules and procedures. They also are responsible for the public safety of the restaurant’s environment.

Rank Descriptions
  • Pending - This rank is not a part of Pablo’s ST. This rank can be obtained by simply joining the group.

  • Suspended - This rank is a part of Pablo’s ST. However, if they were ranked to Suspended their timer has begun with instructions to follow in order to regain their rank back.

  • Security (LR) - Security is the first role within the establishment concerning Pablo’s Security Team. This rank will be given to all newly passed Security Trainee members who passed their training. This rank will have inexperienced members who may need to be given help if needed at the restaurant. Please note that if they make any mistakes, their actions will be discussed among SC+, and will most likely end up being Suspended.

  • Senior Security (LR) - After having a considerable amount of time working as a Security member, they will be trained to become a SS member. Their role is to perform the usual responsibilities of a Security member but to manage the restaurant in a proficient manner. Not only will this rank include active members, but members who have proven they’re now ready to receive their ability to use force (Grab tool) when removing someone from inside the restaurant.

    • Please note that discord is required to obtain this and further ranks in the ST.
  • Special Security Force (LR) - Currently, not obtainable until further notice.

  • Elite Security Unit (MR) - Currently, not obtainable until further notice.

  • Security Apprentice (MR) - Security Apprentice is a foundational role where individuals acquire essential skills and knowledge to excel in the Security Department. These individuals are either hand-selected by the Captain+ team or brought in by MR applications and are expected to assist with trainings to ensure Interns are properly trained for Security. Members of this role are counted upon to be leaders, trusted to guide the ranks below them. This role serves as a stepping stone into the MR team and a crucial link in ensuring a trained and professional Security Team. These individuals are chosen to make significant contributions to the department’s success and through their own advancements to ensure they provide excellence in the Interns they train.

  • Security Specialist (MR) - Not only will this rank include extremely active members, but members with much more experience, knowledge, and perspicacity when dealing with customers. This group of individuals will be chosen during meetings selecting only the best of the best to host trainings for our Security Trainees, with any Captain+ supervising. After being assigned, we entrust them to bring on light to new Security Trainees. These members must be excellent at understanding concepts, how to host trainings, and should be eager to represent Pablo’s ST in the best manner possible. Their main purpose is to host trainings and teach Security Trainees to the best of their ability everything they must know before officially becoming a member of the ST.

  • Security Captain (HR) - They communicate effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience and can bring others together by reconciling differences. Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to solve problems. Their main purpose is to take part in meetings and to supervise all trainings ensuring they happen smoothly with no issues. These members are well respected by the ST and make no mistakes. The cap of how many members can be in this rank is 24.

  • Head Security Captain (HR) - These members plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of our security team. They are tasked with the vital responsibility of overseeing trainings and handing out training strikes whenever deemed appropriate. Primary duties of this rank revolve around ensuring that trainings are diligently conducted along with their regular Captain duties. They also work closely with Deputies+ to determine new Captains for the team.

  • Deputy Head of Security (HR) - These members will need to be strict and have the responsibility for the upkeep of our ST. Achieving this rank requires them to fully understand all aspects of the Security Team upon going through them step by step. Their main purpose is to assist the Head of Security with their needs and are tasked with overseeing and handing out consequences within the ST. Consequences include warnings, suspensions, terminations, and blacklists. The cap of how many members can be in this rank is 6.

  • Head of Security (HR) - Is the most professional and disciplined staff member at Pablo’s. They must represent themselves in the best light possible and display kindness, professionalism, and maturity in each and everything they do. This rank is in charge of full operations.

  • Security Advisor (HR) - Oversees all group activity and works closely with the Head of Security.


Leadership is a vital aspect of any occupation, and Security is no exception. The most effective leaders across a wide variety of spectra achieve success within this branch by having effective communication skills, responsibility, being goal-oriented, and having confidence in yourself and your skills.

You must have a sense of accountability, in other words, all security members must take responsibility for the team’s actions and their consequences. Through your willingness to take responsibility, you are proving that you are worthy of trust and respect. Knowing how to handle any situations that may arise during the carrying out of your duties is imperative as it shows that you are confident in your abilities to adapt to any situation. Although certain situations may have many solutions to the problem, all security members have to follow protocol and should not try to alleviate issues using non-traditional methods.

Leadership within security also includes that you, yourself be a leader as well. In other words, learn to lead by example. If you expect your team to be hard workers, then you should be a hard worker as well. When you practice what you preach, you not only earn the respect of your team but their loyalty. Before long, you will notice that they will be following the example you set for them. Effective leadership builds people up and creates a stronger team, which benefits all who are involved. This exemplifies the team’s strengths and weaknesses as a whole and individually. In order to combat any weakness found within the security team, communication is vital. Communication can be used to build relationships among your colleagues and by building a good inter-team relationship. In return, this creates a greater level of productivity.

One principle of communication, which is also vital towards leadership in Pablo’s Security, is not only expressing what you need or want to happen, but actively listening to your colleagues with an open mind about what the team can improve on as a whole or individually.


All members of Pablo’s Security Team must memorize and follow every rule stated here.

  • Lvl. 1 - Warning
    • Issued by Specialist+
    • A second violation at Lvl.1 = Lvl.2 consequence
  • Lvl. 2 - Suspension/Demotion
    • Issued by Captain+
    • A second violation at Lvl.2 = Lvl.3 consequence
  • Lvl. 3 - Firing/Blacklist
    • Issued by Deputy+

Note: All levels are the minimum action. More severe consequences can be given out if deemed necessary by the Deputies+.

Another note: If anyone feels they were wrongfully given a Lvl. 2+ consequence they may DM a Deputy their case. If they aren’t pleased after speaking to a Deputy they may then contact the Head of Security.

  1. Do not ask for promotions. [Lvl. 1]
  2. They must use grammar anywhere it is enforced (This includes punctuation, capitalization, and spelling). [Lvl. 1]
  3. Anyone caught on mobile while at the restaurant without permission from Captains+. [Lvl. 1]
  4. Farming points is prohibited. [Lv. 2]
  5. Anyone who needs to go AFK can only do so in the Security or Staff room facing the wall. [Lvl. 1 or Lvl. 2]
  6. Do not use your position to help your friends. Bias decisions will not help you or your friend. [Lvl. 2]
  7. Be professional at all times. This includes being respectful, appropriate behavior and language, and overall thinking before doing. Rude and disruptive behavior is unacceptable and will be dealt with sternly. This includes not only at the restaurant but any event Pablo’s as a group attends. [Lvl. 2]
  8. Do not allow disagreements to erupt into a heated argument. [Lvl. 2 or Lvl. 3]
  9. Submitting false information to anyone relating to Pablo’s will result in consequences. [Lvl 2. or Lvl. 3]
  10. Do not misuse your cuffs or any other tools you are given at the restaurant. Anyone caught abusing their tools will be swiftly removed from the Security Team. [Lvl 2. or Lvl. 3]
  11. Spamming pings. [Lvl. 3]

Appealing a Blacklist

The process to appeal from Pablo’s Security Team blacklist is as follows.

  1. They first must’ve been blacklisted for 1-12 months. The exact time is unique on a case-by-case basis and is discussed amongst the Deputies+. Upon their blacklist, they will be informed of an appeal date.
  2. On or after the appeal date, they may contact anyone in the Internal Relations department of Pablo’s to appeal their application ban. Further details will be given if they reach this step.
  3. If their interview is approved, a process will be completed. Further details will be given if they reach this step.

The following abbreviations are permanent for the above document and for Pablo’s Security Team.

Pablo’s Security Team
ST Security Team
Pending Pending
Suspended Suspended
S Security
SS Senior Security
SSF Special Security Force
ESU Elite Security Unit
Apprentice Security Apprentice
Specialists Security Specialist
Captains Security Captain
Head Captain Head Captain
Deputies Deputy Head of Security
Head of Security Head of Security

We hope that everything written above has answered any questions that you may have had. If you do have any further questions, please contact any Deputies+.

Thank you,

xMugs | Co-Founder