Paintzone, r/place but in roblox

I made this new game called “Paintzone” and basically you can place a pixel every 5 minutes. There’s 18 colours and the entire canvas is 160x160. With that, there are alot of possibilities (some even bad)
How do I counterract profanity? Well…I don’t have to! Because you can only place a pixel every 5 minutes, trollers won’t spend their time trying to create a swear word if all they can do is place a pixel every 5 minutes. It’s new, and I’m open to feedback.

The game link is here:!/store
- Br, iSyriux

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Hmmm Okay. Im guessing you took a look at this post. R/place in Roblox and improved whatever needed to be fixed. ill check it out!

What if the troller has 40 friends, who all log in at the same time and co-ordinate an inappropriate drawing?
You underestimate the willpower of trolls.

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That’s the same concept as someone getting four friends together to chain messages together in chat to create swear words. Or, getting a few dozen friends to line up and form a giant human swastika. Roblox gave up on stopping that. I doubt they would take action against this game.

It’s also not something you see in-game a lot either.

Like what others have said, there will be raids. The only solution that I have for this is to make a r/place game structured like Kahoot - Create a reserved server and share it’s id. Let the owner of that server moderate along with whoever they make moderator. I may start work on something like this, but it’s cool to see others do it aswell.