Parallelizer - A Lightweight Buffer-Based Parallelism Solution

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DocumentationAPI Reference

Brief Overview

Parallelizer is a lightweight and performant module to parallelize heavy and intensive tasks that would otherwise put a lot of strain on performance. Parallelizer aims to make parallel luau more accessible and performant without sacrificing ease of use and readability.

What is parallel luau you may ask? Parallel luau is a way to spread the computation load into multiple cores with the help of Actors. This helps in reducing strain and lag from the heavy computations that you may use.

:information_source: For more information, check out Parallel Luau

Possible Use Cases
  • Bullet Raycast Computations
  • Enemy AI Computations
  • Terrain Computations
  • Raytraced Renderer
  • Parallelized Cryptography

Why use this over other options?

Parallelizer uses a buffer-based approach to serialize packets of data from parallel to serial, which minimizes the memory cost of parallelism. Parallelizer doesn't have additional dependencies as its designed to be simple and efficient.

Credits & Footnotes

If you have any suggestions in mind, feel free to share them here! Or if you’ve encountered issues with the module, don’t hesitate to ask for help! I will assist you through the process as soon as possible.

Thanks to ComputeLua for inspiring in making this module.

This module is under the MIT license

Version Archive

0.1.6: Parallelizer.lua (4.1 KB)
0.1.5b: Parallelizer.lua (3.9 KB)
0.1.5a: Parallelizer.lua (3.4 KB)
0.1.5: Parallelizer.lua (2.7 KB)
0.1.4: Parallelizer.lua (2.4 KB)
0.1.3: Parallelizer.lua (2.4 KB)
0.1.2: Parallelizer.lua (2.2 KB)
0.1.1: Parallelizer.lua (2.1 KB)
0.1.0: Parallelizer.lua (2.4 KB)
Release: Parallelizer.lua (2.2 KB)

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  • What the sigma
  • Ok cool
  • Couldn’t think of a use for Parallel Luau

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PS: Change the topic to this ^^^

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I was about to say I wasn’t really going to maintain this project as often; but I guess it doesn’t matter


Added a :DispatchWithBatches helper function to dispatch and calculate the BatchSize automatically for you (divides the work into equal parts)

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Made it so you can pass in arguments directly into both the dispatch functions since I realized it would get tedious to set the Instruction table repeatedly

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Oh yeah and it’ll not break when your thread count is not divisible by your actor count

Also added benchmarks and stuff

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Fixed a silly if statement oversight, previously a false return value would be flagged as a missing return value

I’m pretty sure I did benchmarkes wrong, It should be intensive repeated tasks. I’m gonna go fix the benchmark section now

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Updated the benchmark section, it now compares the average instead of just plain attempts

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Fixed an issue where batchSize can be 0, resulting in the actor loop not looping - caused by thread count being smaller than the actor count

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v0.1.5 - QoL Changes

What you need to know:

  • Added instruction data to store values to be sent to actors
  • Changed constructor methods (those that starts with Create) to use . instead of :
  • Now supports tuple (or varargs? if that’s what its called) return types

I have also made a uncopylocked simple raycaster place using this with the help of CanvasDraw:

The benchmark section should be updated tomorrow afternoon

this looks neat, i’ll check it out, the experience is private btw

It’s not supposed to be played within the roblox player, you should be able to edit the place since its uncopylocked

oh alright then (charcharchar)

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v0.1.5a - Minor Internal Changes

What you need to know:

  • Added type annotations
  • Fixed a bug where instData isn’t optional

Updated the benchmark section

v0.1.5b - Minor Internal & API Changes

What you need to know:

  • Renamed :DispatchWithBatches to :DispatchEqually
  • Renamed .CreateNewJobScheduler to .CreateJobScheduler
  • Replaced the for range loop in :Dispatch to a for in loop (I believe it’s faster since it doesn’t have to index every iteration)

I have tried to optimize some parts of the module, but most of them just leads to worse performance or very little to no difference. One of the optimization I tried was using table.move instead of a for loop, it just turns out to be slower by 5ms so I kept the for loop

Planning to use this in the near future as it seems very useful. There aren’t many resources out there on understanding or implementing Parallel Luau, not for many use cases at least.

Will reply with results once I get to doing that.

Thanks for the useful resource :+1:

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Glad you found it useful :smile:

Yeah, I was using ComputeLua before I made this for my parallel needs since thats the most promising (pun intended) amongst others



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v0.1.6 - Minor Internal Additions & Changes

What you need to know:

  • Added AllowedInstructionValues and InstructionTableData type
  • Made Dispatch functions defer instead of instantly dispatching

Just updated the post for more aesthetics.

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v0.1.6a - Minor API Changes

What you need to know:

  • Renamed asynchronous functions (Dispatch and DispatchEqually) to have -Async suffix (DispatchAsync and DispatchEquallyAsync)

Updated the raycaster place to have the current version