Parity for "Username" in GetFriendsAsync and GetFriendsOnline

This has bugged me for the past half hour… I don’t know why it was designed like this, but Username and UserName being spelled 2 completely different ways seems like a HUGE flaw




Shouldn’t this be in #bug-reports:documentation-issues??? How is this an engine issue AND a feature???

In-fact, this should be in here: Typos & Minor Edits Mega-thread

if the variable names are different than it is indeed api flaw. not just documentation

But is it still a feature? No, it’s a bug then.

not exactly a bug either. because using those names they serve their purpose correctly. it is just a “suggestion” (so a request) that they shall better use the same variable names to avoid confusion

It’s not a typo. The names are Username in GetFriendsAsync and UserName in GetFriendsOnline. That’s the flaw