Park's TAS Tool v1.32

Park’s TAS Tool was made to be easily used by all players, making TASes really easy to do.

What is a TAS?
TAS stands for Tool-assisted speedrun, basically a system that records the player’s movement and then replicates it, making precise inputs easier to do.


  • Play (Allows you to play with the TAS Tool disabled)
  • Record (Records the player movement)
  • Test (Plays the TAS)
  • Delete (Deletes the TAS you are currently editing)
  • Save (Saves your TAS)
  • Load (Load a TAS from your saves list or from it’s Id)
  • And much more

Old Showcase
New Showcase
Test Place


Version v0.2

  • Player now keeps their velocity.
  • Fixed some bugs

One of the biggest problems in many recent Community Resource posts is the assumption that everyone knows what your acronym means.

After reading your entire post, I still have 0 clues as to what “TAS” is supposed to stand for. For most people, including me, this is a big turn away. I won’t use something I don’t understand the purpose/use case of.

I recommend revising your post and writing it in a way that people outside of your circle will understand what it means.


I think after looking it up that it is a sort of a replay record system, but that’s just a guess based on you the thumbnail + titles

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So can I have a better explanation on what this is and why this could be useful?

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TAS stands for Tool-assisted speedrun. Its basically a tool that records the player’s movement frame by frame and then replicates it as if it was a real run, making precise inputs really easy to do. TAS are mostly used for obby games, but can be used for any replay needs.

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TAS are useful for making replays more precise and making speedruns, you can use it for any replay needs.

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I’ll have to check it out sometime, I do need something kind of like this.

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Version v0.3

  • Remade the TAS system from scratch to support animations
  • Added buttons support (Read the Buttons Module inside PTASTClient for more info)
  • You can now change your keybinds

Version v1

  • Remade the buttons support module
  • Added tools support
  • Remade all UIs
  • Remade the save system
  • Added settings
  • Added infos
  • You can now load IDs from other people (they must set the TAS privacy to Public)
  • Settings and keybinds now saves

New Showcase
Test Place


Version v1.1

  • Fixed Shiftlock
  • Fixed pausing
  • Fixed renaming save slot
  • Added Mobile Support

Version v1.2

  • Fixed cancel testing
  • Fixed slow motion
  • Updated loader (If you are using the old loader, please reinsert it to update)
  • Added “Get Model” button to credits

This is quite interesting, I’ve seen a few things in the past like this, I’ll most certainly have to check it out. Thanks so much.

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Version v1.3

  • Added UserInputService support (read the Instructions script for more info)
  • Added Mouse events support (read the Instructions script for more info)

Here is how UserInputService support looks:

I believe this tool is only made for obbies. Since this only record player’s character movement, many other things like killing, opening chest, etc. will not be recorded.

I did not check the resource myself so correct me on that.

I am making this assumption because I only saw TAS used in obbies.

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It was mainly made for obbies, but with the addition of UserInputService, ClickDetectors/GuiButtons and Tools support, it can be used for any type of game

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What’s the memory efficiency on this, I’m assuming there’s a lot of ‘useless’ metadata being recorded that is unneeded for playback and would steal data-storage space if stored to a datastore?

I’m not really good with memory stuff but a run with 611 frames occupies approximately 211.28KB, so I think It doesn’t steal much data-storage

Version v1.31

  • Made some changes to the Tool support module, now you don’t need to use the module events, you can use the regular tool events.
  • Fixed Tool animations
  • Fixed deleting tas
  • Added a timer that tells how long the replay took to finish

Version v1.32

  • Recording and testing is now handled in Heartbeat rather than RenderStepped, making it much smoother.
  • Removed Slow Motion because it wasn’t too realistic