Part to terrain converter plugin! (Preserves terrain underneath, remove/add water)

Hi developers! I spent today making a part to terrain converter. The difference between this one and existing converters is that there’s an option to preserve terrain instead of overwriting it.

This means that if you’ve got terrain with stuff underneath, and you want to add water, you can! This has been a really big pain point for me, since the add tool is a bit too small to be useful in these situations.

Converting parts to terrain from the command line has been an integral part of my terrain building process. I hope this plugin helps you too!

You can install it here:


  • Preserve existing terrain underneath
  • Preserve converted parts
  • ALT to select materials from world, like other terrain tools
  • Shortcut key binding to convert selected part
  • Nice UI

You can read the source here:

I’ll take any bug reports here, although if you can file them on Github, that would be great.


this is going to be awesome!!

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I’ve updated the plugin so you can wipe out water or other terrain with air. This means you can spawn in your water, and then immediately remove it, if you so desire.


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Fastcar48’s Part to Terrain on steroids

I’d also like to make a suggestion: I feel like these assets go heavily underused when it comes to checkboxes. Consider upgrading to these lol.

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I’ve also fixed rounding behavior underwater. Roblox’s add tool unfortunately doesn’t handle this case right now.

You can see in the picture below where I’ve used the add terrain tool to add water

You can clearly see Roblox’s terrain tool rounds up material. This is generally nice (prevents gaps), but does lead to sand and other materials underwater being distorted.

No longer!


I wanted to see how well this works so I tried it out on an old game, THIS IS AWESOME!
I didn’t edit anything after converting, just converted and photos!



Nothing was changed besides colors :slight_smile:
Thank you for this and keep up the awesome work with it!


Using this plugin a bit and I am not getting a “bad allocation” error. Not sure if it is related. However, it prevents saving/publishing the game and results in a quick crash! Noticed anything similar?

EDIT: NOT THE PLUGIN’S FAULT! I got carried away with converting and perhaps converted a bit too much for ROBLOX and my PC to handle.

Is it possible you could update this to support the conversion of wedge parts as well?

Possibly! Handle the slope was difficult!

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