Particle System Completely Disabled

Can confirm particles are completely munted.

Very major issue, hopefully this is fixed soon. If anyone needs a quick fix, lower your graphics settings and particles will reappear normally (albeit at a lower quality).

This has been occurring for a while for one of my friends, updating his gpu drivers temporarily fixed the issue, but now the issue has returned

time to bump this since I have witnessed some… interesting activity to say the least
number sequences & values are broken, images do not load in correctly at certain angles

maybe some of the engineers tried to remake source engine’s particle system inside the roblox engine, i must say they did a good job at replicating it

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Yep, this really confused me. All particles not working on my studio, impossible to edit particles now :frowning:

got an update to this
this bug starts appearing only on graphics quality set to 8 and above

Same here, I can’t see any particles. Fix this soon it breaks lots of developers from working.

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particles are still disabled, hoping this gets fixed and noticed soon

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i’ve found a temporary fix for this issue, just disable the flipbook in beta features and particles should work fine

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This is the fix for this. Beta is like that, it’s beta-ish.
I was going to post this as a topic but can’t seem to post bug topics… :thinking:

A temporary fix for particles now showing will be turning down graphics until engineers fix this


Thank you this issue is making development SO much harder!!

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I can confirm that this only occurs with the flipbook beta enabled. A temporary solution is to disable the beta.


Upvote! I have 2 Projects Neither have working particles. :c

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Hi, we’ve recorded a few instances of instability with the particle flipbook studio beta in preparations for release of that feature, see Animated Particles with the Particle Flipbooks Beta - #165 by ProfessorKJM.


How is this still broken? It’s a major issue that prevents devs from working.


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Hey everyone, wanted to circle back here bc this has a lot of attention. Is the original issue still happening?

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