
I think that the ability to enable/disable the spread of particles from a ParticleEmitter would be quite useful. Essentially, it would be a boolean property of ParticleEmitter that defaults to true. However, if you wish to disable the spread of particles, you’d set ParticleEmitter.SpreadEnabled to false. Achieving no spread is currently not possible, as particles are randomly spread across the surface of the parent part. What disabling the spread would do is force the particles to only spawn at the very center of the parent part’s surface.

Thanks for taking the time to consider my suggestion, and I, obviously, hope it gets implemented.
[size=2]I’m looking at you, Davidii.[/size] :wink:

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I would prefer a bool ParticleEmitter.Centered that would make them only emit from the center of the part.

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We have better ideas to solve this problem, rest assured it is addressed.